Comments on: Should I do NaNoWriMo? 2019 thoughts Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 04 Oct 2019 17:50:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: McKenzie Fri, 04 Oct 2019 17:50:53 +0000 I think you should really consider writing the 50,000 onto your current novel. Like you said those words aren’t all going to stay. Your finished novel won’t be 100,000 words (probably) but this will get you grinding on it again which is the goal. I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year and starting fresh even though I have other novels I should be working on. But I’m just more ready for this one, I guess.

By: Alessandro Tinchini Tue, 01 Oct 2019 23:41:13 +0000 I ask myself the same question every year, but then, despite all bad intentions, I cannot resist. I dive into the writing rush and go for it.
The issue for me is not what to write, since I’m writing a saga, the first volume born during last year’s NaNo. This year it is time for volume 3 (volume 2 being written during this year’s Camp NaNoWriMo).
So let’s go for it, everyone.

By: Anne Przybysz-Lawrence Tue, 01 Oct 2019 15:34:27 +0000 I’ve been doing Nano since 2010 and Ive always found that even if I dont finish the manuscript for that year my creative drive has always been higher afterwards. I say go for it .

By: Tanya Tue, 01 Oct 2019 15:00:25 +0000 I’ve been doing it for a while and I always find it a lot of fun! I do a lot of the social stuff in my region, though, and I know that’s not for everyone.

If you’re going to do it, though, it sounds like you’ll have more fun with continuing your project than starting a new one. Good luck either way!

By: Jeanne Clothier Tue, 01 Oct 2019 14:23:30 +0000 As far as people worried about the time factor: you spend 2 hours a day on things you can give up for a month. (TV-2 shows, recreational reading, shopping just for fun, movies & more. Your not going to give them up forever, only 30 days & you can do that.

By: Stephanie Tue, 01 Oct 2019 13:04:12 +0000 Did it several years ago – no complete novel, but a good 25,000 words, which morphed into a complete novel a year later. Now that I am working full-time, it’s even more tricky. However, I have been trying to prep by really making an outline. I heard Jeffery Deaver speak at a conference this year and he spends months on outlining before he really writes. I may not go that far, but I’m trying a slightly new approach inspired by that.

By: Morana Tue, 01 Oct 2019 12:44:22 +0000 I was thinking about doing NaNoWriMo, too, but it’s exactly the worst month of the year, it’s end of the academic year, and at work people want to wrap everything up before they hit the holidays, and it’s also when we take the week long vacation, and there is also my favorite conference most years.
I also don’t write fiction, I tried for non-fiction the last couple of years, but there is less support for that, so don’t think there is as much advantage to NaNoWriMo for non-fiction. So I think I might create a draft based on one of the non-fiction outlines I have in January, which is quiet and the best month to do it.
In the meanwhile I’m honing my writing habit by using 750words app every morning, and trying to get 50,000 words per month this way. It is much easier doing a mind-dump, but it still creates the habit. I also use it to do advance time log and plan out my days this way, so it’s a time-management routine, too.

By: Marthe Tue, 01 Oct 2019 07:11:26 +0000 Well.. for the pondering, would you do it today (write for two hours on your existing novel)? Do you want to do it and do you want to plan for it (because, two hours every day or (on average) is not nothing at all)? Do you need to sit down for two hours in one sitting or can you do 20 minutes here and there? Pondering, wondering, for me, ’tis not a good season to take part in NaNoWriMo. Have fun if you do, that’s most important, I think!

By: Tana Mon, 30 Sep 2019 23:35:57 +0000 I don’t understand why November is the month for this. I know November and novel both start with n-o, but November is a busy month heading into the holidays. January, February – those months are cold and no one wants to do anything. But then I wouldn’t have the camaraderie of it all. So, to answer your question, I’ve always wanted to do this but never have and probably won’t do it this year either.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 30 Sep 2019 21:22:38 +0000 In reply to omdg.

@omdg – I think I am leaning toward the hybrid approach. I kind of like the novel I wrote. I think it is redeemable. It just needs…work.
