Intimacy Archives - Laura Vanderkam Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:09:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Intimacy Archives - Laura Vanderkam 32 32 145501903 Best of Both Worlds podcast: Keep it hot Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:09:57 +0000 Valentine’s Day is coming up this Friday, so this week’s episode of Best of Both Worlds is inspired by the holiday. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, and you’re busy with kids and work, it can be challenging to find time and energy for that relationship.

Listeners share (anonymous!) tips on how they make time in their lives for romance and intimacy. Since Sarah and I are not anonymous we don’t get too personal here, but we do talk about whether we actually celebrate Valentine’s Day or not (this year I decided to purchase fun gifts for my kids…I mean hey — we all need a little midwinter levity).

In the Q&A we address a listener question: Is there a male equivalent of BOBW? We’d love suggestions of podcasts with a similar vibe!

Please give the episode a listen. As always we welcome ratings and reviews, and please consider joining us in our Patreon community. Our monthly meet-up will be next week, where we discuss our “Adventure Project.”

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