Comments on: Welcome to the 2025 Time Tracking Challenge Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 21 Jan 2025 20:50:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 14 Jan 2025 03:00:27 +0000 In reply to Frank.

@Frank – Good questions! I often put slashes to indicate that I’m doing two things mostly at once. If I do two separate things in the block, I’ll separate by commas.

By: Lee Mon, 13 Jan 2025 16:56:21 +0000 In reply to Frank.

I’m not Laura but my trick for this is to mark as “-h”. e.g. I had “chore-h commute, work-h planning” “chore-h cooking family-h family dinner”.

But I have a somewhat related question. How do you categorize multitasking? I don’t really try to multitask, but lately, I noticed kids don’t need me as much when I bring kids to the park so I started to bring books. Surprisingly, I can often read quite a bit. These are quite hard to track how much I spent on reading vs. kids and I wonder if there’s any wisdom for Laura or other readers to share.

By: Frank Mon, 13 Jan 2025 01:45:06 +0000 I always love the time tracking challenge! I’ve been tracking my time since the 2020 lockdowns and have found it extremely useful. So, thank you Laura!

I do have two questions: what do you normally do if you change activity part-way through one of the half-hour slots? If it’s just five minutes over, I just ignore it, but if I (for example) go for a run at ten past the hour and arrive back home at quarter to the next hour, I normally put it in both slots (along with the other activities that happened before and after, respectively), which means the logs can get messy quickly! Also, if something happens in a slot that only takes a few minutes but changes your day completely (say, a call from a friend with major news), do you write it down?

A tip for anyone who’s new to this: if you’re out-and-about a lot, the iPhone app Arc Timeline ( automatically tracks when and where you are, which makes it much easier to reconstruct your day – no more need to keep a mental log of what time you moved from place to place!
