Comments on: Time tracking FAQs Writer, Author, Speaker Wed, 16 Aug 2023 17:22:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: HS Wed, 16 Aug 2023 17:22:23 +0000 I was pretty happy with logging on spreasheet / a text file when I’m on the computer, but I had a hard time tracking when I’m not on a computer. I tried to use the timetracking apps that are usually targeted for billing but it just didn’t work well with me. I found this app that allows you to write down simple things by each hour and that has been great supplement for me and wanted to share with the time tracking folks. It’s an hour format instead of 30 mins but seems workable for me, as text is pretty flexible.

By: Experimentation - The Fantastic Life Mon, 26 Sep 2022 15:27:43 +0000 […] there is time for everything, you just have to look at your week as a whole and manage priorities. A week is enough to get a picture of how you already use your time, but a month is sufficient to see if being more […]

By: Track your time to enjoy life more ft. Laura Vanderkam - Oh My Dollar! Fri, 13 Mar 2020 15:39:12 +0000 […] Please read this Time Tracking 101 from Laura Vanderkam, who has done the most extensive work on time tracking, including getting time logs from hundreds of people, and has published several books on the topic. I really recommend I Know How She Does – one of my favorite books by her, and my all-time favorite productivity book. […]

By: Are you spending your time wisely? – Lead Up for Women Mon, 23 Sep 2019 10:03:11 +0000 […] Keeping track of how much time you spend each week on activities such as working, reading, relaxing or commuting can help you use your time more effectively. Leadership thought leader and author Laura Vanderkam explains why you need to figure out where the time really goes. Read her thoughts here […]

By: Maggie Mon, 16 Sep 2019 10:15:55 +0000 I’ve tracked my time last week, for the third time or so. A lot of categories are okay for me (though I wish chores and evening routines would take less time but I guess there is no getting around to making tea for myself, haha). What I’ve hated every since I started time tracking is the time I spent going somewhere. I spent 10 % of my week commuting somewhere, ugh. I already tried seeing it as exercise and reading time (biking, audio books or even calling people). But it still bothers me.

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 13 Sep 2019 10:54:59 +0000 In reply to omdg.

@OMDG- totally agree. It’s just part of life, and most of us are better off accepting it (while taking steps to minimize the interruptions that can be minimized). I don’t know what the proportion would be for men, or for people who aren’t caring for children, because I haven’t done similar studies for them. I would imagine it is lower, for the reasons you note. It wouldn’t be zero — even someone with an army of personal assistants couldn’t outsource a trip to the dentist for his own tooth.

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 13 Sep 2019 10:51:18 +0000 In reply to Shar.

@Shar- good tip. Sometimes I’ll use my phone for this, or send an email to myself (since I know I will process my inbox later).

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 13 Sep 2019 10:50:44 +0000 In reply to Gisela Schera.

@Gisela – that’s a good solution. Yep, people can easily get lost in the weeds on these things, but it’s the big pieces that tend to count.

By: Shar Thu, 12 Sep 2019 17:48:18 +0000 If you are away from your laptop and are on the go/around people, it’s helpful to just jot down what you spent 30-minute segments doing on your phone’s notepad app.

By: Gisela Schera Thu, 12 Sep 2019 16:51:45 +0000 LOL, making cool pie charts is the most fun part of time tracking for me! I am a big nerd when it comes to this sort of thing. When multi-tasking, I just count the “primary” activity, that is, the one I would be doing at that time regardless. So driving to work while listening to a podcast which needs to be paused every five minutes because my 4-year-old in the back seat has something to say = commuting.
