Comments on: Make time this Tuesday! (Plus the TBT scorecard) Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 05 May 2022 18:14:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Katherine B Tue, 03 May 2022 16:33:10 +0000 Yes I agree with Lisa about WFH. Before the pandemic forced me into it (I am a commercial property lawyer in the UK) I would never have believed it even possible and yet now I am far more productive on the 3/4 days I WFH than the 1/2 per week I am in the office. And, for example, my parents live next door to us but I still don’t see as much as I would like of them. But on Wednesdays my Dad (nearly 83) goes to bowls and I have a regular date to go with my Mum for an hour’s dog walk at lunchtime. Dad gets to do bowls without being too tired from walking the dog as well, Mum gets company on the walk (she wouldn’t want to go alone and we wouldn’t want her to, just in case) and I get a walk and an hour one to one with my 82.5 year old mother. I could never have done this while trekking to the office every day!

By: Jessica Tue, 03 May 2022 16:24:07 +0000 First, I am very excited for this book to come out! I am fortunate to have a lot of flexibility in my schedule and can easily find an hour on a Tuesday afternoon. However, I have found that I don’t spend my time in meaningful ways. Time tracking, creating a list of 100 dreams, and quarterly goals have helped me focus on spending my time wisely and doing things that are meaningful to me. I’ve also found that when I’m with my children whether it’s playing, talking or helping with homework it’s easier for me to be fully present because I know that I have the time to do so.

By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Mon, 02 May 2022 18:13:27 +0000 This concept of ‘finding an hour’ is why I have loved working from home. It is so much easier for me to to shift things around to make time for running, working out, getting coffee with a friend, etc. I’m in the office Tues-Thur and we have to leave the house around 6:50 and get home around 5 and I don’t have much flexibility when at work. My husband does workout during the day when his workload allows but it’s so much easier for him to get ready after working out – it would take way too much time for me to get ready again if I worked out mid-day. So my solution is to leave work at 3pm on Thursdays to get a workout in. Otherwise 0 workouts happen Tues-Thur, besides going for a long skyway walk around lunch time to stretch my legs. But today I worked from home so did a quick 30 minute cardio workout at 7 after everyone left and then met a neighbor for a walk at lunchtime. With time I am hoping I can shift to working in the office 2 days/week instead of 3 but we’ll see how things shake out.
