Comments on: First freeze last night — here’s how I did on the Fall Fun List Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 14 Nov 2024 13:26:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 14 Nov 2024 13:26:40 +0000 In reply to BethC..

@Beth C – excellent progress! I’m glad you had enough strawberries to enjoy with your yogurt. We need to work on some deer prevention before we get produce but I am hoping next year. 21 towels! We, likewise, have a lot of stuff. At least now you own fewer towels!

By: BethC. Thu, 14 Nov 2024 02:07:35 +0000 I was so-so with my list completion:

1. Attend the Chicago Seminars, which is a points and miles based conference. Travel hacking actually got us around the world this year, but there are always opportunities to learn more. Result: We did this, and I realized that I have accumulated more travel hacking knowledge than I thought! A fun weekend.
2, Attend a milestone high school reunion. I wasn’t that excited about going, because there has been a lot of Facebook….political divisiveness among my classmates which is super annoying, My best friend from my class just told me that 2 of our other close high school friends are attending, so I’m excited that we’ll be together again. Result: We ended up going. It was a joy to see my old friends. However, post-election, I have imposed a Facebook ban on myself, since the political divisiveness has unfortunately returned.
3. Figure out what to do with the about-to-graduate-from college son of Japanese friends who will be visiting us in November. I was worried about food preferences, but he wants cereal for breakfast, hamburgers and “all the American foods” for lunch and dinner, so I think we’ll be fine. Result: We have had an incredible 10 day visit with our friend. He is leaving tomorrow, and I will be sobbing when I drop him off at JFK. I wish that more families had the opportunity to host a friend from another country. It is life-changing.
4. Spend time at our timeshare in Marco Island Florida, in part with our daughter and her West Coast boyfriend. Result: 50-50. We ended up getting kicked off the island for 4 days due to a mandatory Hurricane Milton evacuation. We got to go back (for which I am very grateful given what others have endured). However, the hurricane forced my daughter and boyfriend to cancel their trip.
5. Pick apples and get some apple cider donuts. Result: Another 50-50. We picked apples, but never got around to getting the donuts.
6. Try out some new easy recipes, as I am in a rut. Result: Epic fail. Still in a rut…
7. Get into a rhythm of reading for an hour of a physical book and an hour of an e-book on nights when I am home and am not watching tv with my husband. Result: I have done pretty well with this. Reading a physical book right before bed has helped me fall asleep more easily.
8. Go to a local trivia night. I’ve found that I’m decent at trivia, so it’s worth a try. Result: Nope
9. Continue working on decluttering, To my horror, I counted no less than 21 kitchen towels that were ready to be donated today. I donated them, and still have some left. Result: Not much progress, but at least some towels are gone.
10. Use up the last of our summer produce. It was a crappy season, but my mesclun lettuce is growing like gangbusters, and we will still have tomatoes, peppers and beets to enjoy. Zinnias to admire too! Result: I did well with this. I am in the same region as you, Laura. Despite the cold last night, I found enough strawberries in the garden this morning to jaz up my yogurt.

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 13 Nov 2024 16:49:38 +0000 In reply to Holly.

@Holly – sounds like you did a lot! I’d like to do a Day of the Dead type celebration some year. I sang a requiem in church for All Saints…but not quite the same…

By: Holly Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:30:35 +0000 Laura, you did a lot on your list! I was thinking I’d not done much on mine, but looking at it now, I did more than I realized. I wanted to fit in one more botanical garden in September, which we did, and we turned it into a bonus getaway for a night. I also had a fall vacation to Door County (Wisconsin) as was on my list. Sadly, we did not hike while there as it was unseasonably cold and rainy. But the weather allowed us to fit in three art galleries, instead of just one as I had on my list. I wanted to spend a day in Port Washington (Wisconsin) which sort of happened, though not a full day or afternoon. One lunch on the water up there, and one lovely early dinner this past weekend. So, I got my quaintness quotient. And lastly, I had a Fall Festival or Day of the Dead celebration on my list. That one turned into hosting a fun family outing with my son and his family at a Fall Family Fun Day, which included an in-town hayride, games for the kids, a spooky cave tour and a late lunch at a local brewery. What I did not do: visit a state park, build a fire, eat dinner on our patio and the aforementioned hike. I watched a couple of Packer games, but they were too painful to watch in their entirety.
