Comments on: Maybe I just don’t want to get up early to run (+ a sonnet and content round-up featuring Lisa Woodruff) Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 29 Oct 2024 12:00:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 29 Oct 2024 12:00:02 +0000 In reply to Grateful Kae.

@Grateful Kae- yeah, I’m with you on this. I feel differently in summer when I can run outside early. But that would involve a cold shock to the system after about October 1st. So, a slower start to the day it is. I generally do fit in exercise (more than most people for sure) and I’m not training for a marathon, so it’s probably all good.

By: Grateful Kae Tue, 29 Oct 2024 11:47:35 +0000 I’ve come to a similar realization over the past couple years. I keep trying to force myself to use that early morning window for exercise (I get up early anyway, usually by 5:15-5:30) because in truth, it would be very convenient and would ensure I don’t miss my workout. (Plus it just makes sense to workout before showering for the day!) But in reality, I JUST DON’T WANT TO. Haha. I usually spend that first hour before everyone else is up quietly drinking tea, planning my day, reading a little, updating my time log, catching up on some blogs or writing a post, or doing a few other little household admin things on the computer. It’s just too enjoyable to trade out for a bright, cold, gym at that time of day! I’m starting to just accept it and stop thinking that it’s going to happen.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 28 Oct 2024 11:58:50 +0000 In reply to Louise.

@Louise – a coyote! That might have kept me from going to the pool forever. Yeah, sometimes it’s nice to have a slower start to the day. I probably will still get up early to run some days when it otherwise wouldn’t fit in, but it’s not my first choice these days.

By: Louise Sat, 26 Oct 2024 16:39:05 +0000 After I retired I continued swimming lengths at 6:30am because I figured the pool would be busier later in the day and also worried I wouldn’t be motivated later. Wrong on both counts! The 6:30 slot was full of before work swimmers and a surprising number of keen retirees, while at 10:30 I often have a lane to myself. Now I get up at 7, drink a cup of tea, read, maybe do a strength video, have breakfast, and stroll over to the pool after 10. Rethinking the morning was very liberating.

* was also motivated to swim later after crossing paths with a coyote on the way to the pool in the early morning dark!
