Comments on: Friday miscellany: Much driving around Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 28 Jun 2021 19:48:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Irene Mon, 28 Jun 2021 19:48:15 +0000 My office is still 100 percent remote and has not given guidelines about what the return will look like. Pre pandemic I was WAH 2 days a week which was great. I think 3 would be ideal since I would some what frequently go in for an important face to face on one of them but depending on my boss they would sometimes let me swap. I am REALLY tired of being 100 percent remote despite it being hugely helpful to have both me and my husband home with less than adequate childcare. We have been talking a lot about how relationships are almost completely lost at this point and I’m really missing a few people I did not work with directly but really enjoyed. I hope we do eventually go back at least a couple days a week but maybe with more flexibility than before.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 28 Jun 2021 14:01:03 +0000 In reply to Alba.

@Alba – I hope it works out! Keep us posted!

By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Mon, 28 Jun 2021 13:54:37 +0000 My company was completely opposed to WFH pre-covid. Now you are either FT in office, FT at home, or a hybrid. 90% of the company will be hybrid. I’ve been told we need to be in the office days/week. I wish it was 2, but 2 days at home is better than 0 so I will take what I can get. We had an amazing year last year despite everyone WFH so clearly it doesn’t hurt the organization and our ability to grow/gain assets. I’m glad I don’t have to go back to the office until January, though. I’ll be done pumping by then! It’s been great to pump at home. I just pump while working instead of having to go down to the pumping room and losing 1-1.5 hours of my day!

By: Cb Mon, 28 Jun 2021 09:25:54 +0000 In reply to Vanessa King.

Yes, I live in a commuter village and several new shops have opened in recent months – a zero waste coop, a sushi restaurant, a cafe, and others have expanded. WFH folks want to have a coffee meeting and a nice lunch as well. And perhaps people have more money to spend in their local economies if they aren’t spending as much on fuel, corporate attire, etc. So it is about an economic restructuring.

By: Alba Sun, 27 Jun 2021 13:18:42 +0000 In reply to Laura Vanderkam.

Thanks Laura.
I really like this advice and since my conmute is acceptable (30 min by underground) i will take Wednesdsys and Thursdays as my days to work from home.

By: Vanessa King Sun, 27 Jun 2021 03:48:32 +0000 In reply to Grateful Kae.

My understanding is that many suburban cafes and shops are busier during normal office hours now – the desire for coffee, a new shirt, a haircut, etc doesn’t go away completely, just some of these desires get fulfilled away from the CBD. Cities have been changing since people started creating them, and seems like they will keep changing. Better in some ways, not in others, presumably.

By: Grateful Kae Fri, 25 Jun 2021 21:41:59 +0000 I worked very much always in person for over 10 years as an inpatient nurse, but now for the last 5 years have worked full time from home as a non-patient care RN data analyst…so I’ve sort of seen both ends of the gamut over the years. The hospital I work for recently released new guidelines stating that ALL non-patient care roles will basically have “home” as their primary location, with some exceptions as needed. This is a huge change from pre-covid policies! Like I said, my role already was from home anyway pre-covd, but many admin roles, coordinators, etc definitely worked full time in office even though they don’t see patients.

I am certainly no economist, but I have so many questions about what the world will look like if ‘everyone” works from home full time! Like you mentioned about your brother, I feel like so many people will move out of big cities…which is maybe good on one hand, but I also wonder what will happen to all of those office buildings, all the downtown shops, restaurants, businesses, even other markets like the clothing industry (less business attire being bought), transport services not being used, the housing market, etc. It seems like it would be awfully sad to see our amazing cities in this country all sort of disappear/ crumble or be full of just empty buildings with “for lease” signs in the windows….but I also definitely understand the convenience of people wanting to work remotely! I personally really like it, for sure!

By: Ali Fri, 25 Jun 2021 19:19:49 +0000 My company just developed a Flexible Work Policy. Some positions are eligible to work from some to 100% from home, while others will be required to be in the office 100%. We just have to have our flexible work arrangement documented with our boss and HR. I’m hoping for a hybrid situation personally 🙂

By: KGC Fri, 25 Jun 2021 18:52:48 +0000 I came back to the office for a full day today for the first time in 15 months…and within about 2 hours, had already had a ‘water cooler’ conversation with my boss that led to him saying, “That’s how I’m going to end the grant renewal!” and scribbling down my comment on a piece of paper AND a great discussion about where to take a project.

I have reveled in working full-time from home for the past 15 months but whole-heartedly agree that – at least in academic research – the random interactions at work really do lead to some great collaborations and ideas. Zoom does not reproduce this.

That being said, there is no part of me that wants/needs to come back 5 days a week, and my supervisor luckily agrees. I am now slated for ‘hybrid flex,’ which means that I can come in some days a week and flex which days I choose. I’m going to aim for 1-2 days a week in-office unless we are in the midst of a grant or finalizing a manuscript. I totally agree with an earlier comment of not doing those days back-to-back since my commute is long (shorter in pandemic traffic, though!). I have also decided to try to work at home on Mondays as much as possible, as I find that the extra time I get back from not commuting is valuable for getting our house/family re-set after the weekend. My kids are 5 and 2, so presumably can start doing more to help with this as they get older but for now, I like having Monday at home to get everything back in order.

Though the pandemic was (is) long/hard/awful for a lot of people for a lot of reasons, I will always be grateful for the perspective that it gave me on how anxious and overwhelmed I was prior to March 2020. Once I got more time back in my day (no commute) and my boss saw that I could be productive working from home, it became clear that I never want to go back to an office 5 days a week. I honestly feel like I have re-claimed some mental health that I didn’t realize was gone.

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 25 Jun 2021 16:50:37 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth.

@Elisabeth – I try not to worry too much about transitions. If you are accustomed to getting stuff done in limited amounts of time, you probably don’t need a whole lot of throat-clearing at the beginning. As for deep work time, (if I remember correctly) Cal notes in his recent book that many people only get about an hour of uninterrupted time per day (or less) with their inboxes and meetings. So if you can hit that, you’re getting the same amount as many normal office workers — and probably you can arrange more if you try.
