Comments on: Mommy Day #1, 2022 edition Writer, Author, Speaker Sat, 06 Aug 2022 01:53:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cb Thu, 04 Aug 2022 07:02:55 +0000 With just one, every outing is mommy or daddy day, but I’d like to pencil in some special adventures with kiddo, especially once school starts. To torture working parents, school finishes at 12 EVERY Friday and the aftercare was super expensive, so I’m just going to flex my hours. I think my son will need some downtime after a week at school, but also, it feels like a good time to go to a museum or the science centre, etc.

By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Wed, 03 Aug 2022 15:00:34 +0000 I’m planning to do my first mommy day with our 4yo this month. I need to pick a day, though, but late August should work w/ my work schedule. He gets incredibly excited for things and will then wake up at like 4:30 in the morning and refuse to go back to sleep, so it will have to be a surprise mommy day. So I will come up with some options and let him choose, but I am pretty sure he’s going to choose the awesome pool by our house if the weather is nice. I am looking forward to a day spent with him. I’m finding 4 to be a great age!
