Comments on: The (somewhat limited) Fall Fun List Writer, Author, Speaker Sat, 30 Sep 2023 10:01:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Saturday Seven 305: Lifestyle & More for Quilters - A Quilting Life Sat, 30 Sep 2023 10:01:44 +0000 […] article shares ideas for staying committed to your intentions and overcoming self-doubt. And I love the idea of making a Fall Fun list just for you! And finally, I’ve been walking daily again now that the temperatures have cooled down. It […]

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:01:19 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth.

@Elisabeth – I always love that Canadian Thanksgiving is a few weeks before American Thanksgiving — which makes sense to be a harvest festival. It just gets cold sooner! We’ve got hot weather next week then should be in the cold for good…

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:00:04 +0000 In reply to BethC..

@Beth C – what an amazing list! I hope you have an amazing time at the wedding in Philadelphia. And I love the idea of thinking of a fall fun thing as scoping out holiday stuff too. Planning ahead!

By: BethC. Fri, 29 Sep 2023 02:47:21 +0000 Like you, I’ve tackled a couple of items on my list already:
1. Visit Greece, with a 9 hour layover in Copenhagen on the way there and an overnight layover in Oslo on the way back. DONE-We really enjoyed our 2 week stay in Greece. Having breakfast while in Athens and being able to stare at the Parthenon at the same time was magical, and we loved the food, people and island scenery that we got to experience. I was apprehensive about the long layovers, but they both turned out to be great. We hopped onto the train (a mere 15 minute ride from the airport) and took a 1 hour boat ride around the canals in Copenhagen which allowed us to see a lot in a short window. We loved our time in Oslo-there was a beautiful tree made of colorful changing LED lights that we could see from our hotel, the waterfront was gorgeous, and we had a great sushi meal there. Alas, we could not get over to the park to see the screaming baby, so we will have to go back.
2. Apple picking. DONE. We went yesterday and now have a giant apple pile in a bowl on our kitchen counter.
3. Read Demon Copperhead by Barabara Kingsolver, which won the Pulitzer Prize for literature. DONE as of tonight-all 550 pages of it.
4. Go to one of our local fall festivals. We are going to miss our local Kirby’s Mill apple festival this year and its epic apple cider donuts, but we will be attending the Egyptian Festival that a local church holds over year, which offers wonderful takeout Egyptian food.
5. Spend time at our timeshare on Marco Island on the southwest coast of Florida. It is kind of a unique place-right on the Gulf, so you can hear the waves hitting the shore if you leave the windows open. While a lot of timeshares get a bad rap, most of the owners at ours (including us) have a rather fanatical devotion to the place.
6 Be home for Halloween. We’ve been traveling during Halloween week for the past few years, but we now have a grandson. I look forward to seeing his toddler excitement this year.
7. Celebrate our son’s Covid-delayed wedding celebration at one of the Marc Vetri restaurants in Philadelphia. .
8. Attempt to do more house decluttering. Easier said than done.
9. Plan a family dinner for a milestone birthday that my husband will have in November.
10. Scope out a few fun holiday things to do before the season kicks into high gear.

By: Elisabeth Thu, 28 Sep 2023 22:28:08 +0000 Fall is my favourite season but it always makes me sad it doesn’t last longer. Some years it feels like the “proper fall experience” – crisp mornings, warm afternoons, and beautiful foliage – only last a few weeks. Winter DOES feel eternal, but of course it isn’t and for now at least I am just basking in the glory of fall. Leaves are starting to turn, the afternoon sun was hot enough I needed to take off my light jacket this afternoon, but on my morning walk I donned finger gloves.

As much as I love fall, I’m a bit of a curmudgeon when it comes to many beloved fall activities. Halloween does NOT float my proverbial boat, I don’t really decorate, and I’m not a big fan of U-picking fruit this time of year. But I live in Canada and in a little over a week we celebrate Thanksgiving and I’m always so grateful we celebrate when the leaves are at their peak. I’m very excited for turkey, stuffing, and all the joy that holiday brings.
