Comments on: Getting cold in here Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:05:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: ARC Tue, 16 Feb 2016 21:47:54 +0000 In reply to Courtney Westlake.

Hah, I hate those carts too. I’ve managed to convince my girls that you can’t push one until you are 4 🙂

By: Jen Tue, 16 Feb 2016 17:05:39 +0000 Totally agree about the years not seeming short at all! Though friends have told me they speed up when kids get into school (ours are still under 4). I was expecting to go stir-crazy during this cold three-day weekend, but we did pretty well. It was fun making Valentine’s cookies with my 3.5-yr-old twins, the baby took long naps for like the first time ever, there was some quality Lego-time between the three of them, and I got some moving-related items crossed off my list. That counts as success in my book!

By: Courtney Westlake Tue, 16 Feb 2016 15:56:14 +0000 These kinds of posts make me want to hug you. “Toddlers make time slow down” = YES. And to whoever invented those little toddler-sized shopping carts at the grocery stores now – I shake my angry fist at you.

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 16 Feb 2016 15:47:36 +0000 In reply to Meghan.

@Meghan – I know! The nice post script to that, though, is that last night we tried “Taco night.” The kids did all eat their tacos. There was some grumbling, but my husband and I were both there, and we said this is a meal we will all be able to eat together, and we did. I think there were enough components that they did like (tortillas, cheese, sour cream) and they all will eat hamburg, it just happened to have a teensy tiny bit of spice on it. So that is one more meal in the rotation. Thank goodness. It is a small rotation.

By: Meghan Tue, 16 Feb 2016 15:35:17 +0000 Oh, I definitely am with you on the meal drama. It is such a huge pain, and I’m not sure which is better — forcing the “one-bite” rule or the whole “division of responsibility” (google Ellyn Satter) where the kids choose which of the foods on the table they will eat, and you just stay neutral (my kids eat nothing but bread doing that). It’s a huge source of anxiety and frustration for me. And yeah, who *doesn’t* like popcorn shrimp (or corn or oranges)?

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 16 Feb 2016 02:36:09 +0000 In reply to Anne.

@Anne- Yep! I do not feel like it was “just yesterday” that, for instance, my 1-year-old was born. I have been pretty “on” for many of those 9000 or so hours. Many of the hours were good ones. But they have not flown swiftly by.

By: Anne Tue, 16 Feb 2016 02:05:08 +0000 I agree with your thoughts about long days, short years. Our little one is only two, but they have been two very full years. Good and bad, just like anything in life.

By: lauravanderkam Mon, 15 Feb 2016 19:03:00 +0000 In reply to Ana.

@Ana- I know, I refused to go to the PTM precisely because I assumed it would be a madhouse. I can deal with the 4- or 6-year-old there when it’s crowded but the toddler gets overwhelmed. Being outside was just painful. I wonder if anyone went to the zoo.

By: Ana Mon, 15 Feb 2016 17:19:08 +0000 Yes it definitely felt like a LONG two days! Saturday we mostly stayed home after gym/swimming in the AM, but Sunday I gave my husband a “break” (to prep food & do laundry) and took the boys to the PTM (along with the rest of the city) for FIVE HOURS. OMG. Lots of freezer meals consumed for us, too.
