Comments on: Just a few hours to good Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 11 Oct 2021 13:08:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 11 Oct 2021 13:08:24 +0000 In reply to Deepak.

@Deepak – thanks! Yep, bit by bit we get big things done.

By: Deepak Mon, 11 Oct 2021 04:52:54 +0000 The take away of this blog is surely —-Sometimes things seem daunting. But it may be fewer hours to “done” than you realize. People who do National Novel Writing Month (write a 50,000-word draft in November) often write for about 2 hours per day. Maybe 3. That’s 60-90 hours to a book draft. A lot, but not infinite. Doable, with a focused push — really wonderful. A great hack to do big things steadily. Thanks mam.

By: Dominique Fri, 08 Oct 2021 16:15:17 +0000 Oh – we have a bucket of the erasers shaped like food. They came from my mom (who somehow gives the worst kids gifts despite her having raised 6 kids). They are so weird and my kids (6&9yo girls) love them.

By: Maggie Wed, 06 Oct 2021 18:54:12 +0000 Do you really work on a laptop screen only? Isn’t that terrible for your back and eyes?

By: Nancy Wed, 06 Oct 2021 17:41:33 +0000 Looks great! Inspiring!
Though for budding podcasters, we would love to see you IRL set up when you podcast, please!

By: Elisabeth Wed, 06 Oct 2021 16:39:26 +0000 Yay! Your office looks great, even minus a trashcan.

I actually love decluttering/clearing away messes and agree – a lot of the time, it’s not as labour intensive as we might imagine to accomplish a much cleaner living space.

My biggest trick is having a place for everything. While my house often looks messy, it’s not inherently cluttered. Mess is just stuff that needs to be put away. Once it’s put away – voila – a neat(er) space. If I know where everything needs to end up, it’s just a matter of putting it away. Designated “homes” really expedite the process on this. I try to have a place for everything – from swimming towels to bug repellent to sidewalk chalk to extra clothes for the kids and all the NERF gun bullets.

Tomorrow is our two-week cycle for a cleaning service and I’m seeing the piles of things and the dirt on the floor and know that, with an hour or so prep + the outsourced time of deep-cleaning, 24 hours from now, the house won’t look half bad. Sure it descends back into chaos faster than I’d like, but since everything has a designated place, an hour or so can make things go from mess to half-way decent.
