Comments on: The 2-minute rule, and its discontents Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 21 Apr 2023 20:10:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: How I Use Roam Research to Study the Bible - Redeeming Productivity Fri, 21 Apr 2023 20:10:53 +0000 […] The Two-Minute Rule and Its Discontents (3 mins) […]

By: ARC Thu, 19 Aug 2021 23:24:23 +0000 I sort of wondered about this rule. I have a ‘weekly review’ I do each week that covers both work and personal planning for the week ahead and I often come across these 2 minute tasks, but I find myself taking so much longer to get through my actual review when I stop to do those things. And then the review feels painful and long. So I’ve been trying not to tackle those tasks during the review itself. I just have to figure out some way to schedule a time to do them systematically. I like the idea of batching them.

By: ARC Thu, 19 Aug 2021 23:15:15 +0000 In reply to Calee.

In Gmail, I use the ‘star’ to mark those that need further action (whether 2 min or longer). They sort at the top of my Inbox so when I’m ready to make progress, I work through those starred items. Then everything in the regular Inbox is new. I do practice Inbox Zero (my mind just works better that way) so I clear that Inbox at least once a day.

By: Claire Sun, 15 Aug 2021 01:09:08 +0000 Yes! I recently started doing this from my own idea during the week. For LOTS of various reasons, I am VERY behind on a lot of personal & family to-do’s. I decided that every weekday from 3:30-4 (if I don’t have a meeting), I was going to work on this list. I’m starting with the most important things first.

Since I keep my to-do’s electronically on an app, I thought about which ones I could schedule in the future during that slot and on which days. And since the app sees the task is no longer dated in the past, I have a much lower number of outstanding tasks which is awesome!

It is a bit relieving to know I’m putting tasks during a window designated for them (instead of just hoping that I’ll find the time when my app reminds me about it, because that never works; I ALWAYS procrastinate if that happens). If I need to add another new task to my list, I add it during the same window. It’s nice to know I have a window to deal with these instead of just random tasks reminders popping up ALL the time (which actually gets kind of stressful ).

By: Saturday Seven 194: Lifestyle + Inspiration for Quilters | A Quilting Life Sat, 14 Aug 2021 10:00:25 +0000 […] First, I loved this article on “Defining What’s ‘Enough’ in Your Home.” It’s so true that it is different for everyone and even different at different stages of life. Do you follow the “2-Minute Rule” (or something similar: taking care of quick tasks immediately) or put even small tasks on a list? Here are some interesting thoughts on that process from time management expert Laura Vanderkam. […]

By: Alexicographer Thu, 12 Aug 2021 21:01:02 +0000 In reply to Calee.

I like Gmail’s “snooze” function for this — I will snooze personal emails I receive during the workday that need my attention but can wait until after work, and will snooze work emails that can (or must) wait until tomorrow morning, or whatever. Gmail offers both default options (which for most of us probably aren’t ideal for the punch-list time that Laura’s recommending) and customization, which is a bit more time-consuming per instance to use.

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 10 Aug 2021 22:48:10 +0000 In reply to Calee.

@Calee – I read them, but then write the person’s name or the subject on my “punch list” so I can get to it when I am batching things. That way it doesn’t matter if I marked the email as read or left it as unread…

By: Maria Tue, 10 Aug 2021 12:18:41 +0000 In reply to Calee.

My favorite is to use the “work offline” button for whenever I need to focus on something else. I’d close email altogether but I often need to reference things in there. I don’t mind seeing items unread (for me it’s like a secondary to do list) but getting new items coming in is super distracting and I almost always read it if I see it so cutting off that flow is good. (And I always have notifications off).

By: Cb Tue, 10 Aug 2021 07:14:53 +0000 When I am teaching, I like to block 4-5 to deal with all those emails and admin tasks. I’m tired anyways so unlikely to get any proper writing done, but I can deal with annoying things. I often find that I can use the same text across multiple replies as well, which saves time replying to each individually.

By: Cb Tue, 10 Aug 2021 07:13:30 +0000 In reply to Calee.

I would make an email folder, and put them there, archiving once you’ve replied. I like to tackle all that stuff at low energy times, or at times I would have wasted anyways (gaps between meetings, waiting for the bus etc). I normally keep a paper list of admin tasks but I could probably just send myself an email and add it to the folder. It is a good way of clearing your inbox when you are back from vacation etc.
