priorities Archives - Laura Vanderkam Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:54:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 priorities Archives - Laura Vanderkam 32 32 145501903 Best of Both Worlds podcast: Time, work, and life with Google’s productivity expert Laura Mae Martin Tue, 23 Apr 2024 12:15:42 +0000 Corporate life can feature an overwhelming volume of emails and meetings. How can you stay on top of things and get the substance of your job done?

In today’s episode of Best of Both Worlds, Sarah interviews Laura Mae Martin about her new book, Uptime, and about her work as Google’s in-house productivity expert. She shares tips and strategies for staying productive. They chat meetings, setting priorities, task and calendar management, family life, and more.

In the Q&A we tackle a tricky question from a listener who wonders how to balance vacations with nuclear family vs. extended family requests. If you’ve only got limited PTO, how should you split it between regular family vacations and trips to visit relatives?

Please give the episode a listen. As always we welcome ratings and reviews! You can also come join our Patreon community where we discuss topics related to work and life more at length. Recent threads have included one on career change and one on marathon training. We’re having a lot of fun and would love to see you there! Membership is $9/month.

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Best of Both Worlds podcast: Mid-year goal check-in Tue, 04 Jul 2023 17:10:49 +0000 We are officially half way through the year, so it’s time for that Best of Both Worlds tradition: The annual mid-year goal check-in!

In this week’s episode, Sarah and I revisit the goals we set at the end of 2022 for 2023 (you can listen to that episode here). Many things have happened. A few things have not, for various reasons. We talk about what we plan to continue for the rest of the year, and what we plan to pivot on.

Please give the episode a listen! And let us know: How are you doing on your 2023 goals? If you made a list, but haven’t revisited it since January, now is a great time to do so. This isn’t about feeling “bad” if something hasn’t happened — there are lots of reasons things change. It’s more about reminding ourselves of what we thought we’d like to prioritize or plan, and seeing if that still works with life now. And hey, if there’s something new you’d like to do, feel free to set Mid-year resolutions!

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If You Had A 2-Hour Workday… Mon, 25 Apr 2011 18:57:14 +0000 I’m home with Sam (19 months) today, and we’re having a fun time. There was a zoo trip and shopping — I’ll let you figure out which one of us chose which as our morning activity. There are many upsides to self-employment, and one of them is that I didn’t have to ask anyone’s permission to take today off.

On the other hand, there are downsides, too. Because it’s almost impossible to actually take a day off — you can’t put in for vacation and then ask your co-workers to cover for you. So on days like today, I become a nap time warrior. I made a prioritized list of things that 100% Must Be Done Today. As soon as Sam started rubbing his eyes at 12:45, I was off to the races. This blog post was pretty low down the list, given that it is 2:45 and he’s going to be up any minute.

This would drive me nuts to try to work like this most days (with a swing shift from 9-11PM too, I imagine), though I know people who do it. This is how some folks manage to put in a 20-25 hour workweek with no childcare whatsoever. But even if you do have childcare (and we usually do) it’s always a good exercise to think through in the context of prioritizing our work days. If you only had two hours to work — either because you’re home with pre-school aged kids, or you’ve got an all-day meeting coming up, or are leaving on vacation — what would you choose to do? How quickly could you zoom through the list?

Perhaps more tellingly, what would fall off the list? Could this fall off forever? Or would it just fall off because it’s not urgent (even if it is important)? What would you do on a 2-hour workday?

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Time Management 101 Wed, 03 Nov 2010 13:31:54 +0000 Over at Money Saving Mom, Crystal is doing a great series on time management, which (brag alert!) features 168 Hours. Earlier this week, she posted an essay called “Stop Trying to ‘Do It All'” telling her readers that no, she does not actually make sweaters from sheep she sheared herself. This is good to know, since careful readers of Crystal’s blog know that she not only runs a highly-read website that employs 6 people, she has 3 kids whom she homeschools, exercises 4 hours per week, does daily Bible studies, brings food to people in her church who are going through tough times and goes on dates with her husband. How does she do it all?

Because that’s all she does, that’s how.

In 168 Hours, I talk about spending as many hours as possible on the things we do best and which bring us (and the people we care about) the most joy. Then, as much as possible, we should try not to do anything else. We shouldn’t make ourselves busy with things that don’t matter. So, today, Crystal posted a list of her priorities, and a list of things that are not priorities. Among the non-priorities? Crafts, gardening, sewing, putting her kids in activities, even playing the Drugstore Game (that is, trying to get shampoo and razors and the like for close to free at major drugstore chains through couponing and rebates). The good thing about running a successful business is that you have money, which can then buy you time to not obsess about saving a few bucks on personal care items. (Or making homemade tortillas, according to another post).

I’m glad to read this series, because I think sometimes our culture spins a certain Super Woman fantasy about moms who not only nurture their kids (and, more often than not, contribute to or earn the bulk of family income) but also do elaborate crafts to spruce up their homes, make gourmet home made meals, and feed the children kale chips for breakfast. I have never met a woman who does that. It’s not that there isn’t time, it’s just that nurturing our families and playing Martha Stewart (who I’m guessing doesn’t clean her own house) are always going to be competing priorities. I think it’s a good thing that kids, marriages and careers usually win out over spotless sconces.

In other 168 Hours news:


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