Comments on: Naps are productive Writer, Author, Speaker Wed, 08 Jan 2020 01:29:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liv Wed, 08 Jan 2020 01:29:00 +0000 It’s so interesting reading through the comments: several mentioned napping when pregnant! I’m 24 weeks pregnant and just took a nap this afternoon while working from home. Never had to before pregnancy. Agreed just a 20 mins nap would help so much!

By: Cate Fri, 18 Jan 2019 07:02:46 +0000 Loads of interesting sleep insights in that book.]]> In my twenties I worked in a laboratory with a sofa bed that parents could use to stay overnight when their babies were being monitored in the sleep lab next door. Back then there was a lot more late night socialising in my life, so it was bliss to sometimes lock the door and curl up for a nap after lunch. I never included the naps as work time and would stay later to make up for it, but it definitely boosted my productivity for the rest of the day! I only stayed for a year, work-based napping has never been so easy since. Once when I was pregnant I fell asleep on the floor under a desk and pretended to have been looking for a pen I dropped when someone walked in! The last nap I took was on a long train ride, I dropped off listening to “Why we sleep” on Audible 😊 Loads of interesting sleep insights in that book.

By: Kathleen Thu, 17 Jan 2019 23:05:14 +0000 I really hate naps, but while pregnant I would sometimes nap sitting up at my desk for 15 minutes. If you can fall alseep almost instantly while sitting up, it seems like the body is screaming for a break!

By: Jennifer Robertson Thu, 17 Jan 2019 21:34:26 +0000 I ADORE naps, but unfortunately, I could be fired if caught taking one. 🙁

By: Christina Rhebergen Thu, 17 Jan 2019 14:57:44 +0000 Wisdom from a cab driver: Naps save lives.

I’ve always enjoyed this quip! 🙂

By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 17 Jan 2019 14:52:53 +0000 In reply to Laura.

@Laura – I do think that late in the day sleep (like 6 p.m. post work) is probably more questionable – then you’re starting to get into night-time sleep mode. He might be better off going to bed earlier, or doing something else post work (like a workout?) that might energize him. I think for most people the point in the sleep cycle where fatigue hits tends to be the middle – which is when naps do the most good. If you wake up at 6 a.m. and go to bed at 10 p.m., the middle is 2 p.m. — which is about when the nap seems most called for.

By: Ana Thu, 17 Jan 2019 14:45:48 +0000 No, never napped in the office, intentionally (though I’ve nodded off at my desk on rare occasions). On my work from home days, I absolutely have been taking short naps if I’m feeling drowsy and going outside is unappealing (rainy/freezing) and it really does help the afternoon and evening go more smoothly.

By: Alyce Thu, 17 Jan 2019 13:40:59 +0000 Yes, definitely. Regularly, even, during my first trimester. I deliberately kept my early afternoons meeting free so I would have the option to nap during the time of day that my energy was typically lowest. I have a couch in my office, and I would just close the door. The afternoon nap gave me enough energy to make it through the day, and put in extra time at the end to compensate for the nap. Even though I was napping daily, I wasn’t falling behind at work.

In talking with my female co-workers who don’t have offices, multiple have told me that, while pregnant, they would go down to the health unit and nap in cots there.

By: Laura Thu, 17 Jan 2019 08:57:44 +0000 Do you think taking naps after work can also be a good thing? My fiancee is always extremely tired when he comes home, but I can’t say that 30 min naps after work energize him at all… Perhaps it’s better to wait until a bedtime and then get all your sleep in one go?

By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 17 Jan 2019 02:16:41 +0000 In reply to SHU.

@SHU- very well timed! Naps are a major perk of working from home. I don’t take them frequently, but when I need them, I’m really glad it’s a possibility!
