Comments on: Looking back: The top posts of 2018 Writer, Author, Speaker Wed, 19 Dec 2018 23:39:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Viv Williamson Wed, 19 Dec 2018 23:39:08 +0000 I read all the blogs and thoroughly enjoy them, making little changes here and there. I’m 55, and started a masters last year. Despite lots of flags that I might just be deluding myself, I thought that with loans available for part time study and grown up kids, now was the time. My three ‘children’ are aged 28-24 and we now have 4 in the house, soon to be 5 due to partners moving in too. We downsized a few years ago when they started leaving but we now have more in the house than ever and I love it. Add to that a promotion at work, life is chaotic and sometimes overwhelming, so I take all your tips on board and have read all your books. Thank you for all your words of wisdom, they really do help. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and wish you a healthy and happy 2019.

By: BethC Wed, 19 Dec 2018 19:02:58 +0000 Yes!! I just started writing fast and editing slow. I’m always half afraid to come back to my hastily written work but it’s almost always decent.
