Comments on: Confessions of a dissectologist (aka puzzler) Writer, Author, Speaker Sat, 01 Apr 2023 11:58:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Angela Sat, 01 Apr 2023 11:58:38 +0000 I’ve also discovered how much I enjoy puzzles while listening to audiobooks, or podcasts (shout out to Before Breakfast and BOBW!) I feel like I’m getting two forms of quality fun at the same time.

By: Angela Flowers Sat, 01 Apr 2023 11:56:02 +0000 In reply to Coree.

I am the same way about tv! I don’t watch much at all and I don’t have a clue what’s going on in that sphere. It just doesn’t do anything for me, and there are so many other things I would rather be doing.

By: Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns Thu, 23 Mar 2023 11:36:27 +0000 I also love puzzles and did that same puzzle that you have a picture of in this post! I got that one from my MIL for Christmas. That brand – Galison – is my favorite. I really love their whimsical city scenes but the plant one was fun, too! I am working on an Eiffel Tower scene with lots of blue sky but it has still been soothing and I actually started with the blue sky part to get it out of the way!

By: Coree Tue, 21 Mar 2023 10:28:46 +0000 In reply to Laura Vanderkam.

It’s true! Statista tells me the average person in the UK watches 182 minutes a day! I might not even watch 182 minutes a month! I travel most weeks, and very occasionally watch something there, but only when my housemates are out. And sometimes my husband and I will watch a show, but the venn diagram of tv watching between us is limited. There’s no TV in the bedroom, which means I wouldn’t watch something while folding laundry etc.

I’m an academic and I do think it’s funny when pals are like “we don’t even own a TV…” but then they’re always up to date on shows? Just buy a small TV, there’s no virtue in squinting at a laptop, it’s much more pleasant on a proper screen!

By: Lulu Wren Tue, 21 Mar 2023 08:46:42 +0000 Laura, I think you and Amantha Imber (Australian podcaster that you were on at some stage) gave me “permission” to pursue puzzles and not just do 1 at Christmas time as a special treat. After reading TBT, I bought a puzzle board so I could pack it up and it is now my go-to effortful fun. I really hear you with having preferences and the puzzle being challenging, but achievable. Thanks for getting me back into puzzles, I love them!

By: Cate Tue, 21 Mar 2023 07:46:27 +0000 That’s a beautiful jigsaw! I am late to the game but am about half way through my first jigsaw as a grown up right now and I am loving it! The brand is wasjig. The picture on the box is not the one on the puzzle, but of the same room from someone else’s point of view. So clever! I’ve been told they do variations like the picture on the box sets a scene but then the actual puzzle is of what happens next! I find it really calming.

By: Lee Tue, 21 Mar 2023 04:48:52 +0000 For many years, I considered puzzles a waste of valuable reading time. But, during the early pandemic days, I started one, and something just clicked. It was the only thing that really reduced my anxiety, especially combined with music and podcasts. 3 years later, I’m still doing them.
I recently discovered the Badge Bomb and Surf Shack brands – very nice!

By: Katie Tue, 21 Mar 2023 02:53:14 +0000 I’ve been meaning for ages to hand-embroider habiliments (detachable decorative features) for my medieval outfit and I’ve FINALLY settled on a pattern and style so I am all set for effortful fun for…oh, probably a year! My other effortful fun is planning hiking trips, often inspired by thing I see during the effortless fun of watching hiking youtube videos.

By: Katie Tue, 21 Mar 2023 02:43:51 +0000 In reply to Coree.

I used to host crafternoons for my friends (hang on, I’ve just had an idea for my take-one-night-for-you-night) and yes, sometimes people did bring mending!

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:29:53 +0000 In reply to Gwinne.

@Gwinne – thanks! Yep, I read a lot for work too, and so sometimes I like something that is very much not reading. Piano, walking, and puzzles all work and are better than looking at instagram…
