Comments on: The 2024 Fall Fun List (+ a content round-up) Writer, Author, Speaker Sat, 21 Sep 2024 23:17:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kim S. Sat, 21 Sep 2024 23:17:43 +0000 Fall is my favorite time of year! This year, I’m going to focus on Four for Fall Fun.

1. It’s the best time of year for horseback riding on trails. So, riding as much as I can to take in the fall foliage is at the top of my list.
2. Visit my favorite pumpkin patch and corn maze with my grandsons and carve our pumpkins afterward.
3. Watch some football, go to a Steelers game, and enjoy a visit to Pittsburgh.
4. Enjoy a campfire or bonfire with friends (at least once!).

I can’t wait to savor these special moments and all the others fall will bring!

By: BethC. Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:19:46 +0000 I’m salivating over the thought of apple cider donuts. Would love to hear about Chanticleer and Stomeleigh if you go. I have not been to either one and live in the Philadelphia area. Here is my list:

1. Attend the Chicago Seminars, which is a points and miles based conference. Travel hacking actually got us around the world this year, but there are always opportunities to learn more.
2, Attend a milestone high school reunion. I wasn’t that excited about going, because there has been a lot of Facebook….political divisiveness among my classmates which is super annoying, My best friend from my class just told me that 2 of our other close high school friends are attending, so I’m excited that we’ll be together again.
3. Figure out what to do with the about-to-graduate-from college son of Japanese friends who will be visiting us in November. I was worried about food preferences, but he wants cereal for breakfast, hamburgers and “all the American foods” for lunch and dinner, so I think we’ll be fine.
4. Spend time at our timeshare in Marco Island Florida, in part with our daughter and her West Coast boyfriend.
5. Pick apples and get some apple cider donuts.
6. Try out some new easy recipes, as I am in a rut.
7. Get into a rhythm of reading for an hour of a physical book and an hour of an e-book on nights when I am home and am not watching tv with my husband.
8. Go to a local trivia night. I’ve found that I’m decent at trivia, so it’s worth a try.
9. Continue working on decluttering, To my horror, I counted no less than 21 kitchen towels that were ready to be donated today. I donated them, and still have some left.
10. Use up the last of our summer produce. It was a crappy season, but my mesclun lettuce is growing like gangbusters, and we will still have tomatoes, peppers and beets to enjoy. Zinnias to admire too!

By: Holly Fri, 06 Sep 2024 17:05:57 +0000 I’m still plugging away on my Summer Fun list for two+ weeks, I do have my Fall (Frolicking) Fun list ready to go. It includes:
four days in Door County (which didn’t happen in summer for the first time in a long time) & it will be peak leaf season when we’re there
eating dinner on the patio while it’s warm enough (enjoy the patio in general!)
making a fire
hiking at a state park
day trip to a local port city
Day of the Dead celebration (at a cemetery too…)
this will all be fit in around the watching of Green Bay Packers games

I too love the fall flowers. I have one more botanical garden to visit this year, and that’s scheduled to happen Sept. 14. And after a summer void of patio flowers at my place (long story), I finally have a plethora of pots with luscious colorful blooms on display, so that may become my own private botanical garden for fall. 🙂

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 06 Sep 2024 13:48:28 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth.

@Elisabeth – oh, I’ve definitely had some goal-less seasons. I’m taking two trips this fall anyway that will involve cool scenery so if nothing else happens, it’s all good. But we shall see!

By: Elisabeth Fri, 06 Sep 2024 13:25:28 +0000 I love that you make these seasonal fun lists, Laura, and I often get ideas from what you write down.
This year I have elected to go “goalless” and I’m doing fewer and fewer lists, so I’ll live vicariously through your list this time (knowing we’ll naturally do plenty of fun things; fall is my absolute favourite time of year), but I think it would be a fun New Year’s exercise to brainstorm a list of fun things for each of the seasons. I’m going to jot that idea down in my planner as a prompt for future me. My “Fun Framework” so to speak.
