Comments on: Weekend report: Summer camp, dragging children to art museums, etc. Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 08 Aug 2019 17:18:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Laski Thu, 08 Aug 2019 17:18:15 +0000 In reply to Laura Vanderkam.

Gotta do what you gotta do!

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 07 Aug 2019 12:45:41 +0000 In reply to Amy Laski.

@Amy- when we only have the older kids, we definitely do the audio guides. It helps a lot. The little guy is still just slippery. We wound up putting him on benches with a phone to play games while my husband and I looked at everything.

By: Amy Laski Tue, 06 Aug 2019 18:49:54 +0000 Hi Laura,
I’ve found the art museum-whining effect goes down significantly by bringing sketch books and pencil crayons for each kiddo to capture their own renditions of the artwork. Often they’ll see real “artists” or art students in there doing the same so it makes them feel professional! Some institutions have audio guides (bonus if they’re geared especially for kids) and these alone make the visit interesting for all.

By: Rinna Tue, 06 Aug 2019 15:28:43 +0000 My older kids (almost 15 and 12) are away for 6 weeks of summer camp! They come back next week. It’s been amazing for them, in terms of maturity and independence, and a great time overall. (Not always great – they haven’t loved every moment – which I think is actually a good thing.) And they are not allowed phones, which is probably at least half the reason why we send them. I love the break from technology. Considering allowing child #3, who will be 11 next summer, to go for 2 weeks in 2020. (The older kids started at 2 weeks, then moved up to 4, then 6.)

By: Morana Mon, 05 Aug 2019 21:24:13 +0000 In reply to Laura Vanderkam.

Early age overnight camps are not just a French thing, but a general European thing. I’m originally from Central Europe and went to my first overnight camp at age 7, for three weeks. By the time I was 12 I was being sent for three week language immersion camps abroad (so none of the adults spoke my native tongue) and at age 14 my parents just put me on a plane to stay with a family of friend’s relative in Canada for the summer (none of use met these people) and I traveled intercontinental by myself.
I won’t say it was all great, and I always despised and refused to go to actual “camping” camps, but my parents wanted to grow my independence and it worked so well that I moved from Europe to US on my own at age 18. If you ask my parents today they’d say I grew up to be a bit too independent, but I was never the youngest one in any of the camps I attended.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 05 Aug 2019 16:30:35 +0000 In reply to Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns.

@Lisa- the French have some interesting history in that regard. Apparently, a few hundred years ago the entire infant population of Paris used to be shipped out to wet nurses in the country for years. I guess a few weeks of summer camp is nothing compared to that! (Factoid from the book Act Natural).

I think I started going around age 9 for a few days, and was handling a week by age 12 – 3 weeks at age 13. I loved it!

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 05 Aug 2019 16:28:30 +0000 In reply to SHU.

@SHU- yeah, fortunately he lost interest quickly, so the ice cream was still edible!

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 05 Aug 2019 16:28:07 +0000 In reply to Nicole Vinson.

@Nicole – It probably will be the best week of the summer! It’s just always challenging to do something new. So glad you’re quoting me…:)

By: Nicole Vinson Mon, 05 Aug 2019 15:50:52 +0000 I went to sleep away camp starting in 2nd grade and every summer after that for one week. My friend went to a camp in Canada and was gone for 6 weeks in elementary school! Maybe your daughter will be ready at a younger age! My guess is that it will be the best week of the 11 year’s olds summer!

Fried green tomatoes for the win?

I quote some Laura Vanderkam every day (sometimes just in my head) and constantly try to remember the lessons from Juliette’s School 🙂 Huge fan,

By: SHU Mon, 05 Aug 2019 15:31:00 +0000 HAHA none of my kids would ever eat several bites of ice cream and get bored. They don’t always finish, but they definitely will eat until everything is such a mess I wouldn’t want to touch it with a 10 foot pole, frugality be damned 🙂
