Comments on: How to end a streak Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 03 Jun 2019 22:00:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: What's the Difference Between a Streak and a Habit? Mon, 03 Jun 2019 22:00:27 +0000 […] of lifestyle bloggers I follow (the other one’s being Gretchen Rubin—of course) has been on a running streak for well over a year now (800+ days). She committed to running at least a mile every single day, and she has done so even if she’s […]

By: Erin Sun, 02 Jun 2019 12:42:55 +0000 In reply to Anne.

It’s called Optavia. There are coaches and such; of which I am not one. Just a focused way to go about the process. Has changed the way I incorporate food in my day to day life (more life focus/less food focus).

By: Anne Fri, 31 May 2019 18:08:21 +0000 In reply to Erin.

Erin – I can relate completely to your experience. Would you mind to share the eating plan that you mentioned?

By: Erin Fri, 31 May 2019 02:33:53 +0000 I had a streak with an instructor lead weights class for 4 years as a New Years resolution in 2015. As long as I wasn’t traveling for work, I was there every Tuesday & Thurs at 530am at the gym. I loved it for many years. This year, I wasn’t having success bouncing back from the holiday poundage and stopped having the post-workout “high”. So proud of my streak though, I couldn’t consider changing my workout routine! Then I reached out to a friend to try a meal plan that advises dropping the hardworkout and let the diet do its thing. To my surprise I felt an immediate burden lifted off my shoulders!! This year the workout had become trudgery. I wasn’t enjoying it but couldn’t break that streak (until told to). 2 months later, the diet of working great. I think often if I will go back. I think yes, but I really don’t know. This makes me laugh as I’m a very decisive and planned person. It’s nice to just say, this is working at the moment and I don’t have to decide that today! 🙂

By: Kaethe Thu, 30 May 2019 21:20:46 +0000 As a fellow Upholder with tendencies towards “tightening” I really appreciate posts like this! One of the ways that I manage to exercise regularly is due to an “ideal week schedule” including my favorite classes at the gym, early morning runs with a friend, long run on Sunday, etc. However, when something comes up that interferes, I can easily discouraged. Sick kid during the night means I can’t run at 6:00 am…does not need to mean that all opportunity for exercise is gone for the day. One thing I tried this year was to set a goal of trying 3 new exercise classes as well as find a new long running route. That way I can see a disruption in my normal schedule as an opportunity to work toward a new goal. And so far I found one new class that was fantastic and now my husband and I go to it together regularly!

By: SHU Thu, 30 May 2019 19:21:25 +0000 Yeah because of the upholder thing and tightening tendency, the mere idea of a steak stresses me out!! I know I would absolutely obsess and have trouble exiting. And it would then become a point of stress for me and defeat the purpose! I do much better with finite challenges, goals, or projects that END (ie a Beachbody program or a race training cycle).

So I say: day 1000 sounds perfect! Can you picture how you would feel without the pressure of the streak? I will say at least your steak is doable and you managed to not tighten to something crazy like 5 miles a day!!

By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 30 May 2019 16:30:57 +0000 In reply to haya.

@Haya – I’m definitely an upholder who tightens too! Like — don’t laugh — I actually run at least 1.1 miles per day, not 1.0, in case…I don’t know…I measured wrong? But yes, I have no doubt there will be some circumstance that will prevent my running some day. I could wait for that or just consciously end the streak prior to that happening.

I began the streak 2.5 years ago just to see if I could do it, since I don’t think I’d ever actually run 7 days in a row before (I’d had it drilled into me that rest days were necessary…but for me it turns out they aren’t). But of course I realize as a strict upholder, it probably wasn’t a real question of whether I’d be able to stick with it. Of course I would! How I will end it might be the more interesting question.

By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 30 May 2019 16:26:32 +0000 In reply to Ana.

@Ana – that sounds like a great way to officially end a challenge, even if you did keep running afterwards. I really like the idea of consciously chosen endings!

By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 30 May 2019 16:25:54 +0000 In reply to Ashley G..

@Ashley- Good question. It depends. Some days I’m really excited to go for my run. Other days I’m less so — though this isn’t so many days. One reason I keep doing the streak is I know it’s a way to make sure I exercise, and I can see from my phone’s step counter that without the run I don’t get a whole lot of physical activity in any given day. That’s probably something I should change, but it’s challenging to build it in with a home office.

By: Ashley G. Thu, 30 May 2019 15:55:09 +0000 Laura, I very much admire your running streak! I have a question for you though. Do you feel like you are internally forcing yourself to run just to keep up this streak? I doubt it, because you very much seem to enjoy running just for the fun of it! For me, whenever I was forced to do something, even if I loved it, it became a chore, and therefore no longer something I looked forward to.
