Comments on: Time strategy #2: Earn your merit badges Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:03:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victoria Thu, 28 Jul 2016 01:38:54 +0000 In reply to lauravanderkam.


By: lauravanderkam Mon, 25 Jul 2016 17:09:24 +0000 In reply to Victoria.

@Victoria – I tend to write down everything in my little notebook. It pretty much rules my life! Then if I have an appointment for something I put it on my paper calendar. I make to-do lists for the week, and then for each day. I’m not very Pinterest-y; if I was I would probably do some sort of bulletin board.

By: Victoria Sat, 23 Jul 2016 12:42:45 +0000 Laura, I love this series! I’m curious how you actually do this: do you create a spreadhsheet? Create a checklist? I have things in many different places (handwritten and hung on a bulletin board, in my journal, etc,etc) and am curious how you centralize goals/personal projects. Thank you!

By: Angela Fri, 22 Jul 2016 18:48:50 +0000 In reply to Jennie Evans.

I love it- you make a great case for the benefits of being in the scouts!

By: Jennie Evans Fri, 22 Jul 2016 16:17:13 +0000 In reply to Angela.

Scouts are a big deal in my house. My husband comes from a long line of life time scouts that earns Eagle awards. He’s also a Cub Master. (Over the entire county of Cubs ages 5-11.) I agree the trophy is nice. Sometimes we should be awarded for just trying. I’m not downplaying the motivation of just doing your best, but I do love the confidence that comes from my kids when they have truly mastered something well enough to earn their badge. Usually this skill or knowledge must be demonstrated to others. Sometimes they work their tails off and fail. This is also a good lesson.

By: Angela Fri, 22 Jul 2016 16:06:51 +0000 In reply to Jennie Evans.

I was only in Brownies for a short period of time, so I never got to the real essence of merit badge earning. I like the idea of empowering kids with that sense of accomplishment! I do get the trophy for participants simply because you are doing something… like receiving a finisher medal for a race, you are rewarded for taking the effort to cross the finish line, even if you didn’t have the best time.
I’ve never really thought too much about my own kids going into the scouts, but this article and the commenters are bringing the benefits to my attention! Thanks for sharing your perspective!

By: Angela Fri, 22 Jul 2016 16:01:19 +0000 Wow! I love this. for more reasons than one. Thank you for your clear description in how to approach seemingly insurmountable tasks. That is often a huge hiccup for me, I am unsure of how to get from A to B. I’ve heard the suggestion to break it into smaller tasks, but there is something about this merit badge analogy that makes it seem more approachable and fun.
You have a real talent for breaking things down and explaining them in a way that makes it interesting and easy to follow. Love your work!

By: Jennie Evans Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:45:11 +0000 It’s funny timing for me with this blog because we are elbow deep in merit badge worksheets right now. All of my kids are Scouts. My youngest is a cub so he’s not working on them yet, but my son and daughter are hitting it hard. My oldest is working his way toward Eagle and because he plays football in the fall and knows he won’t be able to work on anything during that time (he’s also in the band) he has chosen several to complete this summer. My daughter is working on her Bronze Award in the hopes of one day getting her Gold. What I love about this is that they get such a sense of accomplishment from doing the work. Trophies are nice, but let’s be real, everyone gets one. With badges you have to put in the time and effort and become knowledgeable/capable of completing a skill. Several of my oldest son’s take 13 weeks to complete. This takes time and dedication, but in the end you get the glory of wearing that badge and knowing you earned it. I say bring back the badges!!

By: lauravanderkam Thu, 21 Jul 2016 12:56:27 +0000 In reply to Carrie Willard.

@Carrie – probably true that this is the same mindset. It seems very doable. We can do anything for a short period of time. Sometimes those actions then make a great difference in our lives.

By: lauravanderkam Thu, 21 Jul 2016 12:25:13 +0000 In reply to Caitlin.

@Caitlin- I could see that. Clearly you are a real runner – you have the badge to prove it!
