poem Archives - Laura Vanderkam https://lauravanderkam.com/tag/poem/ Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 07 Feb 2025 16:27:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://lauravanderkam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-site-icon-2-32x32.png poem Archives - Laura Vanderkam https://lauravanderkam.com/tag/poem/ 32 32 145501903 Friday round-up https://lauravanderkam.com/2025/02/friday-round-up-2/ https://lauravanderkam.com/2025/02/friday-round-up-2/#comments Fri, 07 Feb 2025 16:27:45 +0000 https://lauravanderkam.com/?p=19922 My kids had a snow day yesterday…with no actual snow. I will admit there was some freezing rain in the morning, but by noon it was about 40 degrees and everything was melting off. This profligacy with snow days won’t make us have to make-up days in June because from now on all snow days will be virtual instruction days, but still. Given that the weather forecast calls for more snow soon and I imagine that if the Eagles win on Sunday there will be a lot of suspiciously absent people on Monday or any parade days… we may have very limited instruction days!

Fortunately we had childcare from about 9:15, so I was able to get most of my work done. Three of the five children saw Dogman. I finished a draft of a book chapter. I did a podcast interview. I am getting close to caught up on my time tracking emails (this was a project…I’m so glad that we had 1600+ people tracking their time in January but it has taken me longer than I’d like to get back to everyone).

Some content from this week…Over at Before Breakfast, I had episodes on “The case for a winter walk” and “Carpooling isn’t just for kids.” For the longer episode I interviewed Mary Laura Philpott about “Being patient until the right idea comes.” She talks about how she’s had a gentle year creatively as she figures out her next project. She’s approaching the process with curiosity, rather than a sense of hustle. There are turtle metaphors. Please check it out!

Over at Vanderhacks, I piggybacked on Groundhog Day and the associated movie to ask “Would you live today over again?” Related: “How to enjoy 6 more weeks of winter.” I suggested people “Try a 30-minute closet triage” and “How to (finally) make progress on your personal to-do list” (those two are behind the paywall).

The Best of Both Worlds Patreon community had a fun discussion of the best jeans (I have been informed that this was an expensive thread). We also talked early money memories, and favorite TV shows. Membership is $9/month (you can join here).

Thanks for supporting my writing and podcasting! I appreciate it. In the meantime, a tongue-in-cheek sonnet about big game football…

Some sixty thousand people in the stands
All scream alike as seconds tick to none.
The lights glow green, the crowd is slapping hands
confetti flutters, people start to run,

as fireworks explode into the air.
The players rush the field, their helmets tossed.
In this cold night, the revelers will dare
to claim that all is changed from if they’d lost.

And yet, a few blocks over, someone else
sits in her condo, watching Netflix, sure,
that nothing else has happened, and she tells
her friend that it’s a boring night, and you’re

on your way over right? Oh yes, I’ll try.
I see some traffic — but I don’t know why.

Photo: A different sort of bird, through the car window. Note: no snow.

https://lauravanderkam.com/2025/02/friday-round-up-2/feed/ 5 19922
Round-Up: Spousonomics, Simple Dollar and Your Minimum Wage https://lauravanderkam.com/2011/03/round-up-spousonomics-simple-dollar-and-your-minimum-wage/ https://lauravanderkam.com/2011/03/round-up-spousonomics-simple-dollar-and-your-minimum-wage/#respond Fri, 25 Mar 2011 12:37:31 +0000 http://www.my168hours.com/blog/?p=1233 Lots of reading material this week! First, over at the Spousonomics blog (the website of the book by Paula Szuchman and Jenny Anderson), I’m featured as part of the Writers in Love series. Paula calls 168 Hours “the most motivational book I’ve ever read” (awww….). In the interview, I talk about how my husband I make time for each other (sometimes) and split the housework. Bonus: my usual glamour author shot didn’t work with Paula’s blog template, so I just had the photo that accompanies this piece snapped in my living room on a day I hadn’t showered. Enjoy!

Next up: Over at The Simple Dollar, Trent posts a review of 168 Hours. The review is one of the reasons I love the internet. In a print (on dead tree) review, you’d never be able to post chapter abstracts due to limited space, but this is actually quite helpful to readers figuring out if they want to read a book. Instead of just telling the overall theme, you see if there are specific issues that chapters will address that you find pertinent. I wish more people did this. Anyway, Trent was very kind, summing up the book as such:

The idea that we’re under a “time crunch” is a myth. The real crisis all of us are under is more along the lines of misuse of time. We spend our time doing things that aren’t very high on our real personal priority list. It’s not just the time we waste doing unimportant stuff. It’s also the time we spend being productive towards ends that really don’t mean very much in our life.

Trent has grasped the key distinction. Frankly, I don’t think the real time suck in life is the fact that you played Angry Birds for an hour last night. The real time suck is if you’re in the wrong job, or if you’re telling yourself that parents just can’t do things like play the piano or write novels or actually have fun with their kids because it’s more important that they clean the house or pack lunches. So please tweet and FB share that link around!

As usual, I have two BNET posts up this week. It is actually possible I might cross 100,000 visits at that blog this month, so I’d appreciate your comments and FB “likes” on these posts as well. On Tuesday, I asked “What’s Your Minimum Wage?” Drawing on the Money Saving Mom’s post last fall on “Why I Don’t Make Homemade Tortillas,” I discussed the idea that time has an opportunity cost. When you do things yourself in order to save money, it’s important to look at how much time it takes you. If you’re saving $2/hour, this is way below the federal minimum wage. Which is fine if you love doing whatever it is. But if you’re trying to save money, you should actually save money. (A more provocative question: why do people who bill $100/hour wait in a 30-minute line on Ben & Jerry’s free cone day?)

Anyway, as usual, I heard from people who seem to think I misunderstand opportunity cost. They insist that people are only willing to pay them $40/hour between 8AM and 5PM, and hence their time outside the workday has no value. This reminds me that I need to be sure to explain the concept well in Plenty. It is intuitive to me since I work for myself and work by the project, so any given hour can be pretty clearly translated into extra cash if I wanted. I understand how people who have salaries and set hours might not see this as clearly. But, in short, if you could moonlight or freelance, if you could work overtime or a second job, if you could spend an hour figuring out how you’d ask for a raise, or a few evenings pondering how you’d score your next promotion, or even if you just value your leisure time because you work hard then yes, your time outside 8AM to 5PM has an opportunity cost as well. Saving $2/hour by making your own tortillas is not its highest value use.

Then on Thursday, I asked “What Makes A Company A Cool Place To Work?” Yet another survey has found that Google is the most awesome place ever. A full 25% of young professionals said it was their ideal employer. But this makes no sense. No where close to 25% of us are software engineers, and yes there are support and sales and management roles at Google, but not all of us do that either. If you’re a musician, architect, botanist, writer, or any of a host of other lines of work, Google is not going to be your ideal employer. What surveys like this one (which listed Google, Apple and Walt Disney as the top three employers) really constitute is a popularity contest. I’ve used products from all three companies this morning, as have many people. But name recognition does not, by itself, make some place the right employer for you.

Finally, a little creative writing:


Outside, winter sits like a cough that’s stayed too long.

Slush lingers past the ides of March and everywhere people grip their coats.

Inside, the boy snatches at drugstore Easter eggs.

At eye level, there and not for taking, she says to his screaming,

not for taking,

not yet.


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