Comments on: 168 Hours Time Tracking Challenge Day 4 Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 13:58:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: lauravanderkam Sat, 16 Sep 2017 01:29:49 +0000 In reply to Jen Yahne.

@Jen – in general, I only count travel time as “work” if you are also doing something that is actively achieving your work goals. So if you are talking with a colleague on the train, it is work. If you are knitting by yourself, it is not. If you are driving, it generally isn’t work, but if you are, say, practicing a speech while driving, than it is. Dinner with work colleagues is work — the fact that you are enjoying yourself and you like those people doesn’t make it not work! I don’t define work as only things I don’t want to do.

By: Phil Fri, 15 Sep 2017 21:50:56 +0000 I am enjoying the challenge…and reading your daily reflections. I think that I am finally beginning to detach myself from the process and just record what has happened and quit analyzing so much (for now). Like I have said earlier, there will be enough time for an “autopsy” and search for patterns as I keep this up. Now that I have some momentum, this will be easier.

By: Ruth Fri, 15 Sep 2017 16:51:19 +0000 I joined our church choir several years ago after my own LONG (20+ years) hiatus. It’s one of my favorite things I do. The music, the people… We have a few professional musicians, but we’re mostly just plain church folks. We tackle some pretty impressive stuff, but since there are 110 of us, the better voices drag the others along! We say we’re the largest small group in the church. There’s nothing like music, is there?

By: Jen Yahne Fri, 15 Sep 2017 16:36:32 +0000 Time tracking has been very insightful so far but it is an unusual week in that I took a business trip which I only do about once a year. How do you decide what is work and what is not while traveling? I would classify knitting on the plane as fun but reading a work paper as work. Also what about all the associated travel time or dinners with work colleagues (not required but I wanted to go out with them).

By: Cheryl Fewell-Brown Fri, 15 Sep 2017 14:44:44 +0000 My day was completely interrupted at lunch by my youngest daughter and my 3 year old granddaughter. It was a beautiful fall afternoon and after a stint playing in soapy water at the kitchen sink Pyper wanted to go outside. She played in her Costco purchased toddler standing sand and water play thingee, then moved on to pick apples. I knew they would leave in time to pick up Allyson, age 9, my 4th grader granddaughter. My daughter did some playing in the sand toy, but spent most of the time on her phone responding to messages regarding her business. KT said yes to Pyper getting ice cream and she enjoyed the last mini drumstick that was in my freezer. Then I made Ally a snack (fresh apple slices from our tree and Nutella), put it in a reusable container and sent them off with kisses. Then I went back outside to the patio table and watched the Facebook live replay. I have learned to accept those interruptions because they grow so fast and nothing I have to do is so pressing that I can’t spent a quiet afternoon with my sweet Pyper (and her mother….haha). My overnight crockpot applesauce burned, won’t do that again. All that wasted peeling and chopping!
