Comments on: Mother’s Day (observed) Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 02 Jun 2023 21:51:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: August Fri, 02 Jun 2023 21:51:06 +0000 In reply to AW.

But one should get what one wants at least on this day right… like what does that say that even on this day we cannot some of us get what we ask for ….

By: Celeste Fri, 02 Jun 2023 21:49:44 +0000 Every day is Mother’s Day in our society and yet no day is really Mother’s Day… bc the society is still pretty anti-women anti-mother… and there is this sense that Mother’s Day is loosing its relevance right…

Would be good to read something more specifically about that… a lot of the corporations were like hey we are going to let you opt out of “holiday greetings”

A good hack say more practically speaking to make it relevant is to use it to ask for something one wants or wants done… like hey it is Mother’s Day week … by this date I need x, y, z bc …. set-asides for mothers in procurement, or like leveraging the sacred and also oppressive culture of motherhood in a capitalist patriarchy like ours…

i.e . it is a good time to say hey I want or need, x, y, z and get it…. I think an article that tells women ask for it what you want or need this week or this day and get it.. etc
the romantization of motherhood without the support or real valuing of it and of women without a robust say woman-owned free press and without a feminist press is vaguely (without a feminist press) dystopian @ this holiday and our culture at this time….

By: AW Sat, 13 May 2023 12:51:04 +0000 I conceptually love this. I’m seeing all the posts abou telling your husband exactly what you want for Mother’s Day. And I get that and love it- but right now we have a 6 month old and a toddler and our lives are all hands on deck. So maybe another year we will try!

Just need to make sure I feel this way tomorrow lol.

By: Saturday Seven 285: Lifestyle & More for Quilters - A Quilting Life Sat, 13 May 2023 10:00:28 +0000 […] I loved this idea for “Mother’s Day (observed).” I’m scheduling a day for myself next week! And I loved the ideas in to “Be All In: […]

By: Casual Friday – Quite A Week + Reaching 500 – ELISABETH FROST Fri, 12 May 2023 09:01:49 +0000 […] It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday which always flies below my radar. This might be controversial, but I feel like having a specific day for celebrating motherhood makes the whole experience feel forced/pressurized – I’m supposed to be filled with warm fuzzies and good cheer for motherhood, but tend to mostly want to have a break and/or fixate on the things I’m not doing well in my role. I’ve also solo parented on multiple Mother’s Days and those are…not particularly fun. So I appreciated Laura Vanderkam’s post about an “observed” Mother’s Day. […]

By: L Thu, 11 May 2023 01:51:18 +0000 We do my Mother’s Day on Saturday, then I go out to see my mom on Sunday and my husband brings the boy to see his mom on Sunday. I usually also sneak in a run or a stop at the mall – they have a big mall and a great bike trail. I tried to do something with both my mom and his one year so that no one’s feelings were hurt but my MIL got on my case so hard about not inviting another person in their family (who is a lot and not my favorite TBH) that I just gave up. There are already so many holidays to negotiate.

By: Jackie Pettus Wed, 10 May 2023 23:13:07 +0000 In spite of being the mother of three adults , no plans for Mother’s Day. My daughter is a mother herself. As for my two 40-something sons…let’s just say “boys will be boys.” Don’t think they are even aware that Mother’s Day is coming up! I’ll celebrate Sunday knowing I got the best gifts of all, three happy, healthy adult children (and two adorable little grand daughters!)

By: Elinoora Wed, 10 May 2023 18:28:08 +0000 which I did actually propose in the first place. I think it'll be a fun family thing to do, plus they are handing out goodie bags for moms.]]> Love that idea! I usually take my actual birthday off to enjoy as me-time, but my kids are now old enough that I can enjoy mother’s day a bit more. Although this year we’re doing an obstacle course race 😂 which I did actually propose in the first place. I think it’ll be a fun family thing to do, plus they are handing out goodie bags for moms.

By: Nicole Vinson Wed, 10 May 2023 18:14:19 +0000 I can very clearly remember my first Mother’s Day. Oh how I had looked forward to it. It was 100% not the day I envisioned. No one whisked the 5 month old away. I don’t think I ate anything at the brunch, or at least not anything remotely warm. I remember paying the bill when the statement came in later that month. And I remember being very weepy because I thought it would be a picture perfect rom com day. Ha.
It only took me four years to get wiser. This year, on May 5th, we did a relaxing night away. Mother’s Day Observed at the local Marriott. I could have gone with a friend or solo but we did it all together as a family of 3. Only this time, I knew a 4 year old would be a able to appreciate that this was special time to spoil mom. I enjoyed dinner poolside while she played and I was able to actually enjoy an adult beverage with my husband. While my daughter and husband joined me for this R and R short staycation, it was geared for me, someone else cleaned up and I was still able to have a nice time with the family. This Sunday we will do the traditional Mother’s Day, we will share it with my mom, my mother in law and a grandma or two. Now, that I had my day and night ahead of time, I can enjoy it as a daughter and not feel resentment!
Maybe next year I will keep the same plan and take that Friday off like Lori for a day of me and then head to a hotel.

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 10 May 2023 17:45:54 +0000 In reply to Kamala.

@Kamala – I think it was my daughter, but something like 7 years ago, when the current 8-year-old was a baby. It is cute! I have it up in my office.
