Comments on: Friday miscellany: Back, Bach, Brahms, sleep, etc. Writer, Author, Speaker Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:41:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Haya Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:41:13 +0000 Where are you sourcing all your Bach material from? I would love to do a similar listen through some day.

By: Cate Sat, 20 Apr 2024 07:05:23 +0000 Hi Laura, sorry to hear you’re still in pain. I expect you have tried this already, but remembering all the posts about your old office chair… does your physio think it might help to splurge on a really nice adjustable ergonomic desk chair? Or a docking station for your laptop with a monitor you can set to eye-height? Maybe you work like that already. Going from working from our dining room table on just the laptop to a docking station and monitor home set up was a game changer for me. But my pain tends to be upper back and shoulders and of course you might have something completely different going on. Really hope the MRI helps resolve things.

Re weekend plans, pretty quiet here as our teens are revising for exams. But my husband and I are going to watch a play, a youth production a family member is involved with, tonight so that should be fun! Have a great weekend.
