Comments on: The 2021 Summer Fun List Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 04 Jun 2021 18:47:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mandy Abbas Tue, 01 Jun 2021 21:24:29 +0000 I’ve given up on shorts and have found easy summer dresses (Eddie Bauer and Lands End specifically t-shirt or travel fabrics) to be a good alternative. Your summer lists always remind me to find something fun to do instead of sitting around the house all summer.

By: Calee Tue, 01 Jun 2021 15:35:27 +0000 Two tips-
Try out Digestive Advantage Lactose Intolerance Pills (not their general probiotic) on dairy days. Have found them to be a game changer.
Women’s fishing shorts are my new favorite thing. Comfy, cute and cool.

Our summer features a baseball tournament at Disney World, lots of fishing, hopefully a kayak day or two and a 4th of July fireworks party my husband started on last night.

By: Sarah K Sun, 30 May 2021 08:00:50 +0000 I love your seasonal lists, Laura! And love seeing the lists in the comments. My own plans include using our boat as much as possible, taking kids to an amusement park, vacation to Seattle to visit family, picking raspberries at a farm, trying to bbq something other than burgers, and going horseback riding.

By: Susan Thu, 27 May 2021 03:07:36 +0000 In reply to Susan.

Oops read below I came up with a couple more ideas.

By: Susan Thu, 27 May 2021 03:06:02 +0000 This is a hard one because I live in California by the beach. We go to the beach at at least once a week so I really had to think about it. I’ve planned vacations for months now but I wanted to fill in some gaps and so here goes…

1. Family vacation to national parks in Arizona and Utah.
2. Sons to Boy Scout camp, mom to visit family in Pennsylvania.
3. Take tennis lessons.
4. Lots of fishing/guitar playing with a visit to one new lake.
5. Long distance bike ride with friends.
6. Kayaking and stand up paddle boarding in the harbor with family and friends
7. Visit one new museum
8. Visit friends that I haven’t seen in a while
9. Host a family barbecue
10. Barbecue more often with margaritas
11. Go hear live music played outside
12. Signed the boys up for some sports camps
13. Lots of Beach time

By: Susan Thu, 27 May 2021 03:04:19 +0000 This is a hard one because I live in California by the beach. We go to the beach at at least once a week so I really had to think about it. I’ve planned vacations for months now but I wanted to fill in some gaps and so here goes…

1. Family vacation to national parks in Arizona and Utah.
2. Sons to Boy Scout camp, mom to visit family in Pennsylvania.
3. Take tennis lessons.
4. Lots of fishing/guitar playing with a visit to one new lake.
5. Long distance bike ride with friends.
6. Kayaking and stand up paddle boarding in the harbor with family and friends
7. Visit one new museum
8. Visit friends that I haven’t seen in a while
9. Host a family barbecue
10. Barbecue more often with margaritas
11. Go here and live music played outside

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 26 May 2021 17:57:47 +0000 In reply to KGC.

@KGC – I have no doubt there will be a lot of cicada interaction from my younger kids too! I hope the toddler doesn’t start eating them…

By: KGC Wed, 26 May 2021 17:12:49 +0000 I am a little bit south of you in Maryland and Brood X is officially here!!! We’ve had them in full-force for nearly a week, though they started emerging in our yard 2-3 weeks ago. I think cicadas are very cool so I don’t mind them at all (plus, they are fairly short-lived). And they have provided literally hours of entertainment for my kids…though this backfires when the 2-minute walk to daycare (next door) takes (what feels like) 4 hours because my 2-year-old has to stop and point out every single one in the street. “Cicada! Look! Cicada moving!” It’s very cute but there are a LOT of cicadas so we stop…frequently =) My husband likes to remind my 5-year-old that next time the cicadas come around, they’ll be able to have a beer together! Hope your kids enjoy them this year!

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 26 May 2021 15:57:05 +0000 In reply to Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns.

@Lisa- I know isn’t it great to be able to plan fun and be much more confident it will happen??

By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Wed, 26 May 2021 15:12:41 +0000 So this summer for me is similar to your summer last year in that I have a nursing baby who naps 3 times/day… he takes a bottle great at school but not from my husband at home! Smart kid, huh? So it’s tough to plan much but I still want to do something, especially after a very quiet and lonely summer last year. Our son is starting swimming lessons so I am excited about that and hoping he does well as he’ll be in the pool w/out me for the first time. I’d also like to hit up the farmer’s market at least 2-3 times. That’s a pretty low bar, but our market is open on Sundays and we have swimming lessons at 8 and my husband swims across a local lake as part of a swim club between 9-11 so Sunday mornings will be trickier this year! We’ll also visit my parents at their lake home at least 2-3 times, one of which will be a longer 5-day getaway for us. I’m debating a mommy day or afternoon with our 3yo son. He’s adjusting to being a big brother so I think having me to himself for a day would really help.

All that said, I’m glad we can plan SOMETHING for this summer after doing nothing last year!
