Comments on: Introducing the TBT Scorecard Writer, Author, Speaker Sun, 08 May 2022 11:27:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joanna Sun, 08 May 2022 11:27:44 +0000 In reply to Amy.

I do that too! Only your mindset about not reading everything you check out is really refreshing. I always feel bad when I don’t finish something before it gets returned and I have to wait again to finish it. But its so much more helpful to think about it as a way to always have something on hand it.

By: Natalie Wed, 27 Apr 2022 11:45:10 +0000 Great list! We use weekly scorecards at work, and I like the idea of having a personal one. When I review my team’s scorecard with them during our weekly meeting, we talk about “wins” and “lessons” from the previous week. If you weren’t able to hit your goal of effortful before effortless, we’d look at what made that challenging and what steps you could try the following week. You can also learn from what areas are going well and how to make those wins repeatable. All this to say I love scorecards.

By: ARC Tue, 26 Apr 2022 17:36:38 +0000 In reply to Grateful Kae.

Maybe you’d feel better if you counted “reading minutes” or days instead of books completed? I tend to read quickly (especially if I’m not that into a book) and I miss stuff all the time. I have been trying to read more slowly and savor, especially if it’s a book I am really enjoying, vs. trying to just quickly get to the end so I can count it on my Goodreads list. This year my goal is actually to read 20 min daily, which encourages me to read stuff other than books because I’d skip that so I could meet my book # goal in past years. I love long form journalism and have gotten so much out of it, so I wanted a way to make that reading “count”, too.

By: Grateful Kae Tue, 26 Apr 2022 13:34:36 +0000 I constantly feel like a “reading failure” when I compare myself to many of the bloggers I follow who read dozens of books per month. I read every day (usually), but often just 10-20 minutes per day. So, when coupled with the fact that I choose to read slowly and carefully (I just prefer to savor books slowly), I don’t exactly fly through the books on my shelf. And then it can be frustrating at the end of the month to see I only read…1 book. Or maybe 2. Despite the fact that I did read almost every day! I’m trying to just let this comparison game go and be happy that I have re-established a very consistent reading habit in my life (after a pretty long hiatus when the boys were little). And, 10-20 minutes a day is better than 0 minutes! And 1-2 books a month = at least 12-24 books per year. I also remind myself that I have many other daily habits that take up time, too- and we can’t do it all. I walk most days, I exercise most days, I blog most days, I journal most days….I suppose if I swapped some of those things out, I could read more. But I like doing those things, too. 🙂

Love this “scorecard” idea, too! Looking forward to reading the book!

By: Gwyneth Mon, 25 Apr 2022 18:35:12 +0000 If you’re looking for a book that will really grab you in a good way, The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood is the best book I’ve read since before the pandemic (during which, like many people, I was unable to read much at all). Riveting psychological suspense (not dystopian fiction) that’s spectacularly well-written and insightful.

I’ve also enjoyed recently The Midnight Library by Matt Haig and Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, both of which explore, in very different ways, the different possible lives that could have unfolded for the main character from different choices made along the way.

By: Amy Mon, 25 Apr 2022 14:25:41 +0000 Just a thought about your reading from my personal experience. I am 100% a momentum reader. If I don’t have something ready that I’m excited to read as soon as I’ve finished a book I just stop reading & it’s hard to get the motivation back to start again. So my personal trick is to borrow a lot of books at once. I have the max (20) holds on my Libby app & typically have 3-10 books checked out at once, even though I am only reading one at a time. I had to get over the mental hurdle of checking out books I might not read before returning, but having a wide variety available at all times has made a huge difference for me. I’ve read 57 books so far this year!
