Comments on: Everything fit (again!) Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 10 Mar 2022 19:18:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cb Tue, 08 Mar 2022 17:38:37 +0000 That does sound like a delightful weekend! I stopped nursing at 18 months and my very verbal child stared longingly at a mum nursing her baby and then when she said hello to him, said mournfully “my mummy, no more milk!”
He’s nearly 5 now, and he’s very encouraging, I think mimicking what we do. If I’m struggling with something, he chants “mumma can do it, mumma can do it!” and if I do something for him, he’ll stroke my shoulder and say “that was very kind of you!”

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:24:20 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth.

@Elisabeth – yep, there are just a lot of hours. Weekends have tons of hours. My 12-year-old, for instance, was doing tech for 3 runs of his musical, so he was at school from 5:30-9 on Friday and from 12:30-9 on Saturday. He also went to church on Sunday morning (10-11) and with us to the car show (about 12:30-3:30). That seems like a lot but alert readers might be able to calculate that 9-11 was screen time on Friday, 9-12 or so on Saturday morning, probably 10-11 Saturday night, and then 3:30-9 with a stop for dinner on Sunday. It is just a LOT. Because there are a lot of hours.

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:21:53 +0000 In reply to Dee.

@Dee- good question! (And probably a good subject for a post). Some stuff just comes up every year — I have to remind myself that we enjoyed it in the past but since we’ve lived here for 10.5 years now there’s a lot of wins from the past that can be revisited (and, of course, things we didn’t enjoy as much that we just don’t do again). As for new things, I have something of a running list of ideas (just a list in a notebook) and if there’s something that’s got a specific date to it, then I put it on my calendar as a potential item for that time (or if I need to get tickets during a certain window I’ll put it then). There’s something of a seasonality to this. In September/October and April/May we tend to have a lot of weekend sports so we’re not really hunting for stuff to do. Whereas in January we are. So if there’s stuff that can go at any time, putting it in the winter is a better idea.

By: Elisabeth Mon, 07 Mar 2022 22:12:48 +0000 “The weekend was reasonably full but still featured some downtime. As in, people zoned out on screens for plenty of hours. Gobs of hours.” Because of snow days it feels like my kids basically never attend school anymore (sigh) and gobs of hours of screens is exactly how I would describe like lately – even though we also fill gobs of hours reading and playing outside. There are just gobs and gobs and GOBS of hours to fill.

Too cute about Henry’s comment; a 2-year old saying the word beautiful is pretty adorable in itself! And couldn’t we all use some more motivational pats from our kiddos?!

By: Dee Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:11:09 +0000 Sounds like a good weekend! I’m curious how you find and track things to do locally? I find it hard to constantly check websites of various venues around town on the chance they have something cool going on. Any strategies for how you go about this would be helpful! Thanks!
