Comments on: What makes you pick up a book? Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 22 Jan 2024 16:30:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: ≫ Links I love – Modern Mrs Darcy Mon, 22 Jan 2024 16:30:22 +0000 […] What makes you pick up a book? “The biggest reason someone might decide to spend time and money on a book is that he/she feels […]

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 23 May 2018 21:11:03 +0000 In reply to Maryalene.

@Maryalene- 2000 books! That is impressive. Most people won’t read 2000 books in their lives…

By: Maryalene Tue, 22 May 2018 22:34:21 +0000 This is an interesting question because practically my entire TBR list (all 2k+) comes from online recommendations, and I really can’t remember how I used to find books to read pre-internet. I think I just browsed the library shelves for interesting covers, but I can’t be sure!

By: Sarah Shakespeare Sun, 29 Apr 2018 18:15:26 +0000 It varies a little by book type. My last few fiction books bought and read have been due to the fact I’ve watched the tv show and want to read the book, due to the mrs darcy reading challenge, or a favourite author. Non-fiction is usually I need to learn something or know something. Amazon and google are great way of finding books that suit. My other option is going to a book store and see what books they have to solve my problem. Downside, I’ve learnt I’m more likely to actually read the book if it’s on my ereader. Yes I’m one of the 5 per cent who read a lot.

By: Susan Paradis Fri, 20 Apr 2018 22:02:10 +0000 I have NEVER bought a new book, and will not, because they are too expensive compared to getting them from the library, or used. And, yet, I have a whole 6 shelf bookcase filled with books to be read—from library sales, yard sales and book swaps, and amazon used books when I determine I like and MUST HAVE a book.
I usually pick books from authors I know and love, but will go out on a limb if the cover or title interests me, and then checking inside to see what it’s about. I never watch Oprah, or the morning shows, so I miss all the recommendations and publicity of what’s current and trending. I am enjoying MMD, but all the lists are overwhelming.
I DO go to book stores to see what’s happening, although I live 90 miles from the nearest one. I take note of new books by my favorite authors, the NYT Bestsellers, and books the store features. Then, I take my list to the library! The Library rarely has them (small budget) but they can order them from other libraries.
I like to own books that I really like, so that no only can I re-read them (altho I do that rarely—too many books, too little time to re-read!) but I can easily lend them to others. If you TELL someone about a book, they, 95% of the time, will forget the title, the author, or that I even told them about it. They probably won’t go to the library to get it. But, if I own it, and put it in their hot little hands, voila! Easy. ( I do keep track of who has what book and get them all back.)

By: Links I love – Modern Mrs. Darcy Fri, 20 Apr 2018 12:43:58 +0000 […] What makes you pick up a book? “The biggest reason someone might decide to spend time and money on a book is that he/she […]

By: Mary Vanderkam Wed, 18 Apr 2018 01:10:06 +0000 One more suggestion–a few days later. Lists of books, new books, and often essays that are so interesting that they lead me to find other works by their authors such as Steve Edwards-Breaking into the Backcountry.

By: Marcia (OrganisingQueen) Tue, 17 Apr 2018 12:57:57 +0000 I read a lot and I do buy a lot of books too. My split is about 1:3 non-fiction/fiction.

My thought process is if I can get it at the real library or Overdrive, I’ll do that first. Other than that, i only pay full price for a book if I need it for book club. Otherwise, I happily wait for it to go on Kindle sale and then I’ll get it.

I have all of your books (I bought All the Money in the World after being advised by Modern Mrs Darcy’s kindle deals) but I’ve bought all months later when they go on special.

I add to my stack regularly through Kindle deals and our book club also rotates books so I get about 15 new-to-me books that way every year.

As an example, I currently have 32 fiction and 9 non-fiction on my Kindle to-read list with about 5 audible books waiting for a listen.

Of the last 7 books I read (this month’s list), I’ve bought 1 audible and 1 Kindle. The rest have been from the real library, Overdrive and 1 was borrowed from a friend.

Hope this helps!

By: Kelsey Smythe Mon, 16 Apr 2018 20:37:52 +0000 I’m currently reading two non-fiction books: Believe Bigger and Bloom. I checked out the first book from the library because I heard her on a podcast promoting the book she just released and liked what she had to say. And I wanted to know all the details of her finding out her fiance was cheating on her the week of her wedding. The last book I purchased was Bloom. I’ve been following her blog for years and I’m so frugal, I rarely do things to support the bloggers I love (not even buy things from affiliate links!). So I decided to purchase her book in support, and also because I think she’s a great author with great things to say. The last book I read before that was Meet the Frugalwoods, because I follow her blog too.

Now that I think of it, the blog is what will usually push me to buying a book.

By: Caitlin Mon, 16 Apr 2018 18:24:38 +0000 In reply to ARC.

Some library systems will let you set the activation date for a hold request for a certain date in the future–I do this a lot when too many holds are coming in at once.
