Comments on: Maybe buy an extra Writer, Author, Speaker Sat, 15 Aug 2020 16:14:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leah Burman Sat, 15 Aug 2020 16:14:57 +0000 This post came to mind today as I prepare to send my kids back to school next week. Each kid (9 and 13) will have to submit a form with health questions every morning prior to going to school. One item is a temperature reading. Pre-COVID, we have had one working thermometer in the house and it served us just fine. Since COVID, the one we have is in our bathroom since my husband and I need to submit daily temperature checks too. Today, as I put shortcuts on each kid’s phone to the daily health form, this post came to mind and I ordered two additional thermometers. One for the kids’ bathroom and one for the car “just in case” they forget to take a temp before we head to dropoff. It’s stressful enough sending them back to school right now; we don’t need to add to the morning chaos by all trying to find where the one family thermometer is!

By: Keep Extra Bottles of Sunscreen Anywhere You Might Need It – In The News Mon, 03 Aug 2020 05:09:20 +0000 […] expert Laura Vanderkam recently explained how this method helped her family wear more […]

By: Keep Extra Bottles of Sunscreen Anywhere You Might Need It – Automotive Tue, 28 Jul 2020 22:41:14 +0000 […] expert Laura Vanderkam recently explained how this method helped her family wear more […]

By: Keep Extra Bottles of Sunscreen Anywhere You Might Need It | breaking news Sun, 26 Jul 2020 03:01:22 +0000 […] expert Laura Vanderkam recently explained how this method helped her family wear more […]

By: Elisabeth Frost Wed, 15 Jul 2020 18:42:18 +0000 I love this!

After reading this post I realize how often I do this.

Some examples:
– a spare toothbrush/toothpaste/floss in the downstairs bathroom
– Chapstick in the car/purse/bathroom drawer/cupboard near the house entry
– Scissors…everywhere
– I don’t mind re-using my workout clothes as I don’t sweat very much, but I always hate re-using sports bras. I just bought some great ones second hand. While I’m an under-buyer, this makes me SO happy to have a drawer stocked with 5 sports bras!
– a spare pair of sneakers left by the treadmill. They don’t get dirty, I never have to go looking for them.

Then there is the flip side to this, where I try to really streamline and limit the number of things. Like cleaning supplies; I try to find multi-purpose supplies that will do everything and limit it to 1-2 of these items per bathroom. Likewise, when my kids were little I decided (on my doctor’s suggestion) to use a rice-sized amount of regular toothpaste for them. We now all use the same toothpaste, shampoo, and soap. There are some great gentle all-in-one shampoo and body washes at health food stores/online. I pick neutral scents and it is SO nice to not have a huge jumble of different products for different people.

By: Jessie R Wed, 08 Jul 2020 21:24:23 +0000 Yes! I keep sunscreen everywhere, by the front door, in my purse, in my bathroom. We started keeping our sun hats by the front door as well so we remember to wear them when we walk the pup… even if I do hate having things out, it is worth it. I keep scissors in our entryway console table as well, to open all the packages that come inside.

By: Wear Enough Sunscreen by Stashing Bottles of It Everywhere - Inspiradiance Tue, 07 Jul 2020 16:39:32 +0000 […] expert Laura Vanderkam recently explained how this method helped her family wear more […]

By: Preserve Further Bottles of Sunscreen Anyplace You May Want It – GoGi News Tue, 07 Jul 2020 15:36:32 +0000 […] knowledgeable Laura Vanderkam not too long ago defined how this methodology helped her household put on extra […]

By: Sarah R Sun, 28 Jun 2020 22:38:39 +0000 In reply to Kristin W.

I learned this from my mom. Chapstick in every place you need it. Car (if you live somewhere not too hot), purse, desk, kitchen sink, nightstand, etc.

Reading glasses: piano, desk, bedside table, bookshelf

By: Sarah Fri, 26 Jun 2020 10:09:01 +0000 I am a total underbuyer as well. I see the convenience of having a bunch of sunscreen, but I also hate having 10 half-used bottles of something. I really like to use something up all the way because it makes me feel frugal somehow, which I do realize is a little silly.
My husband annoys me sometimes with overbuying, particularly groceries. He buys food items that he likes but he never does the cooking, so they languish in the fridge (because I don’t like them and will cook something else).
