Comments on: Reading War and Peace at Chuck E. Cheese Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 08 Oct 2021 13:42:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 05 Oct 2021 16:31:21 +0000 In reply to Emily Miner.

@Emily – yep I have been reading other things, though not much fiction. Reading a chapter of War and Peace each day really only takes 5-10 minutes (they are short!) so there is definitely space for reading other things. But I haven’t wanted to get very invested in other characters, so focusing on non-fiction for my non W&P reading.

By: Emily Miner Tue, 05 Oct 2021 15:58:25 +0000 Laura, have you also been interspersing other books/reading material while reading War and Peace this year or have you just dedicated the year to War and Peace?

By: Sarah K Tue, 05 Oct 2021 12:52:03 +0000 I like your kid dictating what paper her presents should be wrapped in. I am always a bit disappointed when I receive a gift that is not wrapped or that is really carelessly wrapped so I sense a kindred spirit here. 🙂
I find that kind of kid place like Chuckie Cheese quite relaxing now that my kids are bigger. They can play by themselves and I can get a coffee and read a book. It usually feels quite well worth the price for an hour or two where they are really entertained and I get to chill.

By: Molly Mon, 04 Oct 2021 20:06:15 +0000 Absolutely love the title of this blog post and think that is basically encompasses everything your work has taught me! There are so many ways that kids AND parents can both get the time and the space to do things we both love, even inside of a very full life!

By: Griffin Mon, 04 Oct 2021 18:04:42 +0000 Three cheers for the reading. I agree with your other reading theory that you have to have plenty of what you want to read. Between a desirable stack and redefining sports practice times and other spaces in my life, I’m reading plenty and enjoying it!

By: Elisabeth Mon, 04 Oct 2021 16:21:15 +0000 I loathe those small bouncy balls! Eight is a nightmare.

They seem to come home in every single birthday treat bag. The kids fight over them (but then never actually play with them), and they have no practical use in the confined space of a home (too small, get lost, could break things).

I had my daughter put hers inside a clear glass container with other paraphernalia (much of it also from birthday party loot bags), and it looks cute on her bookshelf. But still. Can’t we come up with better uses for plastic/rubber?!?!

Gold star for reading War and Peace at Chuck E. Cheese. Also, I love when you say you don’t take your own advice. It makes me feel so much better for writing a single cheque when I know I should be batching them all at month end…sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

Onward indeed.

By: Linda Mon, 04 Oct 2021 16:18:38 +0000 What a rich and full life you have! As a newly retired 68-year old, it sounds daunting but I did live that life a few decades ago and it was amazing, As I settle into this new routine, it is also amazing but so different. I thought I would volunteer all over town, but after almost a year, I am content to be mostly home. In good time, I’ll reach out. Two thoughts—I notice and applaud your persistence in claiming time for essential personal projects such as reading, singing in the choir (singers MUST sing!) and running, It is so easy to set these personal pursuits aside when schedules are tight, but you continue to model to us that it can be done (even at Chuck E Cheese!) My other thought is one of gratitude—I have read about your family for years now and I am grateful that you share so much with your readers. Thank you so much!

By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Mon, 04 Oct 2021 16:06:53 +0000 I’m planning to use a serial ap to read The Count of Monte Cristo next year. Those big old classics really intimidate me, but I’ve been told that the serial ap makes them much more digestible – and I’ve heard this from someone who doesn’t tend to LOVE classics (I find myself in that camp most of the time).

Our kids were both STTN but they’ve both been waking up for the last 6-8 weeks due to a combination of colds, and for the baby, regressions and teething I think? They are 3.5 and 10m – I didn’t think I’d still be getting up for the 3.5 at this point, but parenting is full of surprises both good and not so good. 😉

Glad you are getting closer to getting the house in listing condition. We had a tiny house to list when we sold 2 years ago and I still kind of cringe to think of how much work it was!!
