clean slate Archives - Laura Vanderkam Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 31 Mar 2020 17:03:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 clean slate Archives - Laura Vanderkam 32 32 145501903 Best of Both Worlds podcast: Goals 2020 Tue, 31 Dec 2019 20:53:24 +0000 Another Tuesday, another podcast episode, but since it’s New Year’s Eve, we knew we had to talk 2020 goals! In this (short!) episode, Sarah and I discuss our resolutions and plans for 2020. From doing “mommy days” with our big kids, to taking some cool trips and possibly even running a marathon, we’ve got our sights on big things.

I know the whole New Year’s concept is completely arbitrary. Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday and there is not some big wall in time between the two. Most people will be back at work (or school, or normal life) by Thursday, doing whatever it was they were doing before the holidays.

However, I think it’s still fun to celebrate the clean slate and think about fresh starts. And I’m personally getting a jump start on my Q1 relationship goal of welcoming the new baby and helping us adjust to being a family of seven! I hope you have big goals and dreams for 2020 and I wish you the best of luck on making them come true.

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