Comments on: Thursday reflections on Rule #5: Create a backup slot Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 07 Mar 2023 18:52:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cynthia Tue, 07 Mar 2023 18:52:48 +0000 My schedule is pretty flexible and open (being the semi-retired parent of adults!) but I find this rule particularly useful for making sure I accomplish the key things I want to do each week. Part of that is the 3 Times A Week commitment that I now have for running (or skiing if there’s lots of snow!). I make sure I have a schedule for my three runs – with a backup slot so I can still get out three times even if something messes up one of my scheduled times. And I am more likely to DO something if it’s in my schedule – the nebulous “I’ll do it some other time – I have lots of open time” often means time will slip by without my doing it. It’s related to my Tendency of being an Obliger – I need outer accountability and often having something scheduled in my planner is all the nudge I need. So a specific backup slot is very useful for anything that’s a high priority.

That reminds me that I think it would be great if you teamed up with Gretchen Ruben and did a Tranquility by Tuesday x Four Tendencies collaboration. I can see that the strategies to implement each of the TBT rules could vary depending on your Tendency. I think they could work really well together.
