Comments on: 2023 Time Tracking Challenge, Day 1 — the rest of the day Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:48:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Renee Skiles Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:48:33 +0000 ). Beginning time challenge and cleaning or de-cluttering…making space for more of what matters seems to go together…for me at least and hopefully for those you had interviewed for your book. Don’t get me wrong, cleaning is a good thing. But I think we would all be over at FlyLady’s sight if we knew it was enough. That’s why I really appreciate your attitude of cultivating a relationship with time. At least that is the sense I got when I read your blog post from yesterday. Thank you for sharing the 15 minute piano playing…I read it as a time transition. I often find myself slip up in these moments with my time log attempts…in the sense of discrediting them and telling myself I am “distracted” because I am not focused on my to do list and therefore “wasting time.” Forgive if you’ve covered this myth in other books.]]> Glad I made it in time for the time challenge! I thought I subscribed, but alas my cell phone shut down at the same time I was hitting the join button last week.
My first observation is that my time sheets are literally all over the place; the back of a menu planner from the week before; the kitchen dry erase board; a failed attempt to craft a homemade version of your remarkable excel sheet.

I remember reading your book I Know How She Does It back in 2015… there was an observation made on how much time was spent on cleaning; (to which I subconsciously may have chosen to not focus time on since 😆). Beginning time challenge and cleaning or de-cluttering…making space for more of what matters seems to go together…for me at least and hopefully for those you had interviewed for your book. Don’t get me wrong, cleaning is a good thing. But I think we would all be over at FlyLady’s sight if we knew it was enough. That’s why I really appreciate your attitude of cultivating a relationship with time. At least that is the sense I got when I read your blog post from yesterday. Thank you for sharing the 15 minute piano playing…I read it as a time transition. I often find myself slip up in these moments with my time log attempts…in the sense of discrediting them and telling myself I am “distracted” because I am not focused on my to do list and therefore “wasting time.” Forgive if you’ve covered this myth in other books.

By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Tue, 10 Jan 2023 18:17:28 +0000 Day 1 went well. I am not super detailed about my tracking. I struggle a bit w/ blocks of time that are a blend of things, like when I work but read blogs while waiting for data to refresh for example. But I figure I will try not to let perfect be the enemy of the good, as Gretchen Ruben says.

This week is going to have a very outsized amount of time in the “social” category. I brought a friend with a baby lunch yesterday, I have a HH tomorrow, a friend’s bday dinner on Thurday, a zoom catch up with a friend on Friday, and then a get together with friends on Saturday. My social bucket total for this week in 2022 was 2.5 hours! It will be like 4-5 times that this year! But I was still being very careful last January as the delta variant was circulating and my kids weren’t vaccinated! So it is nice to see a return to a full social schedule. I feel like I’m doing a month’s worth of stuff in a week but that’s how it works sometimes.

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:57:04 +0000 In reply to Jess.

@Jess – I am hoping that by age 10 things get better. We shall see!

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:56:39 +0000 In reply to Meaghan.

@Meaghan – glad you’re planning to do it this year! Yep, an all-or-nothing mindset tends not to be helpful. A few times a week is great for many many things.

By: Gillian Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:10:15 +0000 In reply to Meaghan.

@Meaghan so you would think! But for my particularly kid apparently cheese first then olive oil is the ONLY way to do it.

By: Holly Tue, 10 Jan 2023 11:21:01 +0000 Day 1 was pretty typical Monday got me. I do have a hard time waking up in the morning. I get up with the oldest child for the way to early bus. Then I have a little bit of time to get some stuff done and sometimes I start work. It all depends on how I feel and what is going on. Yesterday, turned into catching up on emails and looking up stuff -which felt like a time suck. Then I got the twins up. They did their chores, breakfast and free time before the next bus. I helped them with alarms on Google Home to remind them of their tasks. Then off to school. I am off to work working at home. I did spend a small amount of time chatting with my co worker. Now I am off to be with my oldest before she goes off to school….day 2 has started.

By: Jess Tue, 10 Jan 2023 10:37:59 +0000 With the eating thing- my incredibly picky eater is the most laid back kid I have ever met. Seriously a very easy to raise kid because he is happy to go along with whatever- except eating. He is as stubborn as possible about that one thing. It has always fascinated me that he has this one thing that he won’t budge on. He is 10 now and is slightly more likely to try food than at 7. My most adventurous child is also my most adventurous eater although I hadn’t thought of that before.

By: Meaghan Tue, 10 Jan 2023 03:36:51 +0000 In reply to Meaghan.

For context, I’ve wanted to participate in this challenge for about 5 years, but inevitably life things got in the way. But this year, #timetrackingchalenge is very important to me!

I’m nearly finished with TBT (it’s taken me about 3 months to complete it), but I’m sticking with it because, as you say, 3 times a week is a habit, so that’s seeping into a lot of things I do and honestly, it makes me feel like less of a failure about incorporating more things into my life that I thought I didn’t have time for because I’d miss one day and it would throw me off. I did have that “all or nothing” mindset before. Now, that’s out the window!

By: Meaghan Tue, 10 Jan 2023 03:30:37 +0000 In reply to Gillian.

Seems obvious to me that the olive oil going on first, toss the pasta to coat, then when you put the cheese on, it’ll stick to all the pasta that has the oil on it. Same goes for salads – put the oil/dressing on first, toss to coat, then put the crunchies on and toss again.

Anyway, Laura, this is the first year I’m following through with your time tracking challenge. I made it through the whole day tracking by the half hour. I even created my own spreadsheet in Google docs!

By: Gillian Tue, 10 Jan 2023 02:05:36 +0000 There could be sooooooo many asterix in my time logs if they were narrative like this, children’s odd food preferences among them. Tonight my daughter specified the order in which the olive oil and cheese went on her pasta. I cannot figure out why this matters…I will not spend more time trying to sort it out.
