Comments on: In honor of The Frugal Girl…Five Frugal Things! Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 02 May 2022 17:46:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alyce Tue, 26 Apr 2022 15:14:17 +0000 In reply to Maureen.

I was literally going to say this! I don’t know why it would be worth it to take the risk that the cup would break while it’s full of something, esp a hot liquid. Or break apart again and fall on a hard surface and shatter while your kids (or toddler) are running around. Sometimes frugality is penny wise and pound foolish. Just let the mug go already.

By: ARC Mon, 25 Apr 2022 20:06:21 +0000 In reply to Cb.

Re: mending – I tried a hack I found online to use fusible hem tape to “mend” leggings with tiny holes and it *totally* worked, though multiple washes, even! I’m so proud of myself for giving it a try and it was actually really easy. This wouldn’t work for large holes, but was great to get those leggings a few more wears.

By: Cb Mon, 25 Apr 2022 12:07:42 +0000 I mended the holes in 3 pairs of little kid trousers – 20 minutes while drinking a cup of tea on a Saturday afternoon, and they’ll live to see another day. They were the next size up so have at least 6-9 more months of wear and it’s not like my 4 year old is going some place fancy. He’ll be in school uniforms from August so these are just play clothes (state schools do uniforms here, I hate it….)
We’re also trying to take advantage of some nice weather to dry clothes outside – electricity prices have shot up here so less dryer time is a good thing.

By: Maureen Sun, 24 Apr 2022 16:08:52 +0000 Be careful with that repaired mug! I once did that and had the mug set on the kitchen table to dry. My visiting brother-in-law did not know this and used the mug with a hot beverage spilling into his lap when the broken handle came off again. I have never seen anyone get out of his clothes so quickly!

By: Sarah K Sat, 23 Apr 2022 19:29:28 +0000 Aw, fun cross-over post from two of my favorite blogs! We sold our boat which feels awesome- are planning so much summer travel that it seemed silly to maintain it here.

By: Laura c Fri, 22 Apr 2022 23:25:31 +0000 My frugal thing is I did not pay for April vacation camp for my 5 year old. I really believe good childcare is worth the money and good for kids, but We paid $265 for February camp but between snow days and sickness he only went 1 day. (Since covid kids get sent home for anything even if vaccinated.) This week there was a lot of tv and I brought him to work and I did not get enough for done (so behind on grading, which will show up in course Evals), but it was nice to show him my work and have my students see me as more than a professor, and my son seems a lot chiller with a break from routine. I don’t know if it was the right call – I sure hope those course Evals don’t cost me my next promotion, and I could have used the time to make progress on a grant, and I’m super tired because it’s hard being a mom and professor simultaneously. But, I am really susceptible to regret and I knew I didn’t want to be annoyed if I paid another $265 and he didn’t go. So I think part of frugality is sometimes avoiding buyers remorse if it bothers you?

By: Elisabeth Fri, 22 Apr 2022 21:44:00 +0000 Being frugal is instinctual to me, and I just love anything about other people’s suggestions (big and small; we’ve done the buy a house well below our income level and currently own a single vehicle that was bought used second hand).
This week: I bought a number of great clothing items for the kids and myself. For under $75, we got over a dozen new-to-use things, including a new bathing suit for my daughter, genuine Birkenstocks for me, and new cleats for my son’s soccer season.
Yesterday at the grocery store I bought about 10 items at 50% (bread products set to expire in several days – I just toss them into the freezer and defrost in the toaster or microwave before prepping these for kid breakfast; some zucchini 50% off for muffins etc). This is one of my biggest methods of keeping grocery costs low and several stores I frequent have these reduced produce sections.
