Comments on: Your cupboard is not a metaphor for life Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:24:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Louisa Mon, 07 Jan 2013 14:35:03 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23033 I thoroughly enjoyed this and agree with you completely. My only objection is your use of the word “zen” (“I felt a sense of Zen”), frequently misused in the popular press. I do practice meditation, and frankly there is nothing ‘Zen’ about zen. Our minds are unruly messes whether we meditate or not. I wouldn’t use a Catholic or Jewish word to describe a mind-state, unless I were part of that practice, and I don’t think you should either, unless you do practice zen, which I don’t think you do. It’s misleading and annoying.

By: Highlights: Resolved » Relishments Mon, 07 Jan 2013 01:27:51 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23032 […] trying to be more intentional about my organization, but Laura Vanderkam makes a good point about mismatched mugs as a metaphor for our messed up lives: “I’d be more […]

By: gwinne Sun, 06 Jan 2013 03:57:48 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23031 Do you need to think that your cupboard is a metaphor in order for it to be a metaphor? I really don’t think so. Then again, I’m a poet.

By: Laura Fri, 04 Jan 2013 17:46:32 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23030 In reply to Kelly Damian.

“Better, probably, to just not accumulate in the first place.”

Also cheaper! Though hard when you live with lots of other people who have their own opinions on their own stuff. Yes, we have about 6 stuffed polar bears. I know not why.

By: Kelly Damian Fri, 04 Jan 2013 17:43:53 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23029 I do like an occasional ‘purge and organize’. I find there is great satisfaction in knowing that I have what I need, I use what I have and I know where to find it. That being said, it’s important to know when to stop.

Something else going on here is people accumulating too much stuff. If you’re not careful much of your life turns into ‘stuff processing’. You go buy stuff. Then you find a place for that stuff. Then you have to organize all that stuff until eventually you purge and get rid of your stuff to make way for new stuff. Better, probably, to just not accumulate in the first place.

By: hush Fri, 04 Jan 2013 17:09:52 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23028 In reply to Karen.

“But sometimes the fact that you’re wearing an old, pilly sweater from 10 years ago just means you were cold this morning, that’s what was in your closet, and it matched your pants–not that you are living in the past or that you lack the self-esteem to project a confident image.” Amen @Karen! Fantastic comment.

By: Karen Fri, 04 Jan 2013 15:21:45 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23027 I agree it must be based on personality. I like your sentiment. For me it seems to vary from day to day with respect to cupboards. There are times when I’m just too busy to worry about whether my cupboard is a metaphor for life. But I have found that when I step out of the “clean desk is a sign of a misguided career” mindset every now and then, I learn something about myself.

Where I really wish people would consider your message is with clothing. Clothing is not always a metaphor either. There are so many articles about what your clothing says about you and what it means. And sometimes they’re right. But sometimes the fact that you’re wearing an old, pilly sweater from 10 years ago just means you were cold this morning, that’s what was in your closet, and it matched your pants–not that you are living in the past or that you lack the self-esteem to project a confident image. You just still like the sweater. And frankly, it’s kinda cool that it still fits perfectly even though it’s 10 years old.

By: Ana Fri, 04 Jan 2013 14:16:01 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23026 In reply to ARC.

Anandi I actually do agree with you…I love to be organized and lack of organization definitely stresses me out. I do spend a little bit of time each week making sure things are put away properly, and once in a while I go through and get rid of unnecessary stuff. I also (gasp!) like my email inbox to be as empty as possible & DO file my emails (I know!)
But mismatched cups/plates/towels do NOT bother me, and the whole idea that you need to invest money & a ton of time to organize your things (am I supposed to BUY matching mugs?) is what drives me away from those types of magazines.

By: Laura Fri, 04 Jan 2013 14:15:23 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23025 In reply to Calee.

@Calee- that sounds absolutely lovely. Sleeping in until 7:30! My 5-year-old is getting to the point of being able to microwave a frozen waffle (though I do still worry he’ll hit 15 minutes instead of 15 seconds) and turn on the TV. But right now he still seems to want to climb into bed with us instead. Or pull the baby out of her crib and bring her to us, which is another interesting development.

By: Laura Fri, 04 Jan 2013 14:12:29 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3074#comment-23024 In reply to ARC.

@ARC – I definitely think it’s a personality thing. Some people are bothered by clutter or things that don’t match. Some people aren’t bothered by these things. I also think there’s a difference between clutter on top of something you see and use (like your desk) which might actually make daily tasks more difficult vs inside a cupboard. But what bugs me about the uber-organization mindset is the idea that whatever is in a cupboard has to be a metaphor for the rest of your life, when to be honest, it really just doesn’t cross my mind at all. Because it doesn’t matter that much to me. I’m not sure I buy the Suze Orman thing either. I have dollar bills crumpled all over the place. My wallet is old and falling apart. My finances are fine.
