Comments on: Best of Both Worlds podcast: Jean Chatzky on money, investing, and goals Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 14 Apr 2020 16:09:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hilla Fri, 04 Oct 2019 17:19:16 +0000 Excellent guest! I imagine referring back to this episode as I work on my finances.

Regarding the Q&A…I am a believer in ethical spending. While the earth is getting hotter and more polluted, while we have more ways to support fair labor, I think it’s really important for consumers to do their part. Our choices don’t have to be perfect, but I think we need to do what we reasonably can do. It need not be time-consuming or expensive.
One way to save money is to buy less. Take a moment to consider whether you need that one-more-thing cuts down on unnecessary spending and unnecessary natural resources. Cutting down on food waste is a huge – meal planning makes this happen, and once you plan some meals, just repeat your menus to get in a groove. I joined a Facebook group on “zero waste” as a helpful resource.
Buy secondhand, give or sell your unwanted items away to others, or swap things with others. Some resources that have helped me are local consignment shops, online consignment shops, local moms groups, and my local Buy Nothing group.
Some ways to shorten research: find a group or blog that is like-minded, and follow their recommendations. There are also great apps, like Seafood Watch, which I use at the fish counter. In other words, use other people’s research.
I know I am late to comment, but I hope this helps someone. I think doing a little bit, if that’s what you can do, is significant!

By: Anna Mon, 23 Sep 2019 03:50:19 +0000 I wanted to congratulate you guys on a really wonderful episode! I thought the intro was done really well – you spoke gently, thoughtfully and candidly about FIRE etc and then the main segment was really well done too. Great job Sarah and Laura!

By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Wed, 18 Sep 2019 18:59:53 +0000 Loved this episode! She was a great guest. I like that she actually provided savings targets instead of dancing around what you should target for a savings goal. Too bad she’s been skewered for that advice! I know it’s not achievable/possible for many or maybe even most, judging by the ridiculously low savings rate of our nation (something like 7% these days – which is an increase from how low it was 5-10 years ago!). But it’s at least good for people to have an idea of what they should be saving.

I’m glad she touched on how to discuss money with kids. My parents were pretty good about educating us about money but that’s something we want to be extra mindful with when it comes to our son!

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 17 Sep 2019 15:53:08 +0000 In reply to DVStudent.

@DVStudent – hopefully! And hey, only 20 months to go 🙂

By: DVStudent Tue, 17 Sep 2019 15:20:25 +0000 I always love hearing and reading these tips about personal finance-luckily, my parents had us involved at a very early age. Unfortunately, since I am STILL in school (20 months left! Out of 108 total!!), saving has just not happened in my twenties. MD/PhDs are in a weird weird position-we have no debt (!!), but we also have no savings at ages 30-35, and our salaries make such weird jumps at each stage of our training. Hopefully it all works out!
