Comments on: Best of Both Worlds podcast: Reading habits + book talk with Traci Thomas Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 17 Jan 2025 03:45:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yukun Wu Fri, 17 Jan 2025 03:45:08 +0000 I felt like this comment of mine was going to become a 500-word-long comment again, and it did. I then made some deductions afterward.
For starters, Ms. Laura Vanderkam, the books that you wrote that I have read/listened to are “Off the Clock” and “Tranquility by Tuesday”. The books that you wrote that I am reading/listening to are “168 Hours” and “Juliet’s School of Possibilities”.
I do read some books every year, but I usually do not set reading goals at the beginning of the year.
I do go to a bookstore or a library every week, yes.
This episode discussed how we don’t need to finish reading all of the books that we started reading. I do find that to work to my benefit.
That’s when we look into the “reader’s slump”. Unfortunately – well, maybe fortunate for me – I have no idea what it is like to experience a reader’s slump.
Ms. Traci Thomas discussed how she can get so busy that she needs to use her nose to turn the pages on Kindle. I later also tried turning the pages on Kindle with my nose and found that the pages are, indeed, turnable. I also used my chin to turn the pages on Kindle, and found that as long as I shaved, my chin works just as well as my nose in turning the pages on Kindle. I also used my upper lip to turn the pages on Kindle and also found my upper lip to work just as well as my nose.
