Comments on: How to ‘punch out’ at an always-on job Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 24 May 2018 11:26:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 24 May 2018 11:26:34 +0000 In reply to Jeff Heath.

@Jeff – agreed. Some people work on the plane, but a lot don’t. It’s not unconstrained free time, but watching a movie on the plane is definitely leisure, even if you’re not at home. And good tip to go sight seeing! I always like to find a museum or run in a park when I’m traveling places.

By: Jeff Heath Thu, 24 May 2018 01:43:42 +0000 Travel — especially long flights — gives you a lot of time. No reason why some of that can’t be spent relaxing and reading a good book or watching a movie. We tend to class business travel as all “work”, but it’s usually not. Also, if you are away over a weekend, take some time and do some sightseeing, even if you are somewhere you have been a hundred times. Whenever I’m in Sydney or Seoul over a weekend, I try and make a point of seeing something I haven’t before, or taking a tour. It helps me relax, rejuvenates me, and helps me connect with my team members who live there!

Time is precious…and plentiful, even if you don’t think it is.
