Comments on: Survey thanks and updates Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 30 Mar 2017 04:03:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nancy Thu, 30 Mar 2017 04:03:23 +0000 Our friend Modern Mrs Darcy is a huge fan of bullet journaling:

By: Seahag56 Wed, 29 Mar 2017 19:00:30 +0000 In reply to EB.

Bullet journals!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! If you Google them, be prepared! If you do it the original way, yeah, it may help with the time management, but…! Some people go crazy with them. They can be very beautiful and creative, but it sure looks time-intensive to me!

By: Meghan Wed, 29 Mar 2017 18:56:33 +0000 I’m definitely one who bullet journals, but mine are very sparse! Lately, it’s been great for keeping a close accounting of my planned work time vs. my actual — I referred back to it to fill out the survey, too 🙂

By: Sylvia Wed, 29 Mar 2017 17:22:19 +0000 Laura, thank you so much for the informative information on the Seven Time Management Strategies. As you mentioned, many of us know these strategies; however, we fail to utilize them. I particularly, like “Move Time Around” – think in 168 hours rather than 24 hours.

By: ARC Wed, 29 Mar 2017 14:58:57 +0000 Laura – Do you write a new List of 100 Dreams each year or just continue with the same one? Mine tend to change over time, but I also struggle with getting all the way to 100 so it may take me the whole year to figure out 100 things 🙂

I sent your survey to the Parents discussion email list at work, so hopefully they helped you out 🙂

By: ARC Wed, 29 Mar 2017 14:56:12 +0000 In reply to EB.

I do the same, but because I think it’s fun 🙂 However, the original intent of Bullet Journaling is very bare-bones and functional. People have turned it into something… else 🙂

Laura – the videos at are super helpful in understanding the “system”. If you look on Pinterest or Buzzfeed it will show you some crazy stuff, none of which are time-saving 🙂

By: EB Wed, 29 Mar 2017 13:55:45 +0000 Ha-bullet journaling! I couldn’t help but laugh at that as a time management technique, because I definitely spend MORE time on it than my old planner. But it is time well spent in my opinion because it brings me joy. I totally get sucked into (and enjoy) viewing different layouts and collection pages; time spent filling out my gratitude pages and other collection pages; time spent creating each weekly and monthly layout by hand. Yep, definitely spend more time on it, but I guess time management is more than just number of hours spent!
