Comments on: Best of Both Worlds podcast: Finding home wherever you are with Melody Warnick Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 04 Aug 2022 20:03:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jessica Thu, 04 Aug 2022 20:03:17 +0000 This was a timely episode for me as we just moved from a small city in the Midwest to a European city last week. This is the 5th place we have lived in the 15 years I have been a parent. Every move has been pretty much for my husbands job, but we wouldn’t have moved somewhere we didn’t want to go.

I loved the first three and didn’t really like the small midwestern city. I think part of it was because of covid, but the main thing I didn’t like was my kids elementary school. The middle and high schools were superb, but the elementary just seemed to have expectations that were not age appropriate. We moved the younger kids to a more child centered private school and it was much better. The school district we were in is sought after so I was pretty unprepared to be disappointed in the school. It colored my whole experience. Now, looking back, I can see several things that were great about that community that I had a hard time seeing while we were there.

By: Sarah K Thu, 04 Aug 2022 00:55:18 +0000 In reply to Ashley G.

How cool to recruit friends to your neighborhood! I love this.

By: Cb Wed, 03 Aug 2022 17:31:37 +0000 We moved from the city to the country during the pandemic. My husband insists we live in a town, but it’s a village to this Californian. We prioritised better schools (not incredible in terms of exam performance, but my bright kid will be fine), a garden, a third bedroom for guests, and walkability of the town. There are good cafes, a few nice little shops, bike shop, sushi, a good Chinese, and a fantastic library. No yoga studio, and limited aftercare options as full time working parents are rare, but i suspect both of those will come as more people move from the city. Our move was just in time for me to get a job a plane ride away – should have prioritised proximity to the airport.
I listened to the episode with interest and am putting the books on the library hold list. A mid pandemic move, a preschool aged kid, and a job in another country has meant I feel a bit disconnected with where we live, despite its many virtues.

By: Ashley G Wed, 03 Aug 2022 15:56:38 +0000 As someone who has lived in 5 states (all as an adult), this topic really resonates for me!

We went out on a bit of a limb and moved in 2019, somewhat prompted by reading a few of your books about time and realizing how inefficient our lives had become. It seemed like a somewhat frivolous move at the time—it was only 30 minutes away, but it got me closer to work, my husband changed jobs, it was a more expensive neighborhood, etc., but we have loved it from day 1. It is a planned neighborhood and the sense of community is unlike anywhere we’ve lived before. We go to the pool all the time, my kids love the park, and we can walk to school and daycare. They have regular low-key activities–outdoor movie night at the park is Friday–which is great for us. We have even had multiple people we know move to our street (we started recruiting friends which sounds insane but has been amazing). All this to say that where you live absolutely does matter to your overall well-being, but I think its always a bit of a risk and you just hope it works out well. Honestly, we had moved enough that the odds were probably in our favor!

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 03 Aug 2022 13:34:02 +0000 In reply to Gillian.

@Gillian – the independence aspect is cool. I think one thing my son liked about being at Brown this summer was being able to walk all over Providence – if the Starbucks within walking distance wasn’t great for the budget!

By: Gillian Wed, 03 Aug 2022 01:17:41 +0000 In reply to Laura Vanderkam.

@Laura something we didn’t appreciate when we moved in with one 2 yo child is the early independence walkability affords kids. My kids don’t cross the street to go to school. Our kids have started walking to school with older sibs, but no adults in kindergarten (or 1st depending on the kid) and all kids are dismissed to the world from their classrooms starting in 3rd grade. Our school is open campus from 7th grade because the restaurants in town can be reach on foot. My 12 yo daughter informed me today that she has arranged with a friend to meet “for snack” at Starbucks tomorrow afternoon and often heads to the drug store on foot to get poster board or some other needed school supply. And my 9 yo routinely let’s us know he is headed to the library solo to get some new books (we have to work on taking the old ones back to be returned…). This might be my favorite thing about our town and a benefit I did not appreciate with one toddler.

By: Erica Wed, 03 Aug 2022 01:04:57 +0000 I moved to NYC for a job. Then I changed careers, met my husband, had two babies, stopped working, weathered a pandemic… the city isn’t always a cozy place to live, but it feels like *my* place. I’ve lived several different lives within a three-block radius, and I love how each street corner in my neighborhood is overlaid with multiple meanings. Even though I’m an introvert, I like that city life pushes people out of their bubbles and into contact with each other, and I like that there are so many different types of people here.

It would be nice to have more space. But that means choosing a suburb, which feels like choosing a particular type of life. And a longer commute for my husband, and probably not seeing our kids during their waking hours half the days. Right now, it doesn’t make sense.

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 03 Aug 2022 00:33:16 +0000 In reply to Gillian.

@Gillian – walkability is pretty cool! We don’t truly have that now though our old house wasn’t bad – you could in fact walk to the post office, library, our preschool and, while it was there, the grocery store. That closed but a new one is going in. When we first moved here I thought walkability was going to be really important to me and then I changed my mind 🙂

By: Gillian Tue, 02 Aug 2022 22:16:47 +0000 I read Melody’s first book several years ago and not long after my husband and oldest child had settled into our suburb of NYC. Early in our relationship my husband (a corporate lawyer) and I (a physician–then still in training) committed to staying in the NYC area. It was a place we could both get jobs easily even when I was going through residency and fellowship matches. However, we knew when our son was 2 that we were ready to get out of the city. We chose our suburb for its short and easy commute to NYC, walkability (one of our favorite things about NYC and something we didn’t want to give up), close knit community and great public schools. We sacrificed on affordability…majorly. We have less space than we could get for the same money in a more distant suburb and we pay more in taxes than we would over the border in CT, but 13 years in, we are happy with our choice. In fact, we recently doubled down on our small (for our family of 7) house and did a big renovation, and we are happy we did.

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 02 Aug 2022 17:44:33 +0000 In reply to Kat.

@Kat – congrats on the yard! Though yes, a yard does seem to generate its own full-time job worth of work…
