the Frugal Girl Archives - Laura Vanderkam Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 22 Jul 2022 18:22:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the Frugal Girl Archives - Laura Vanderkam 32 32 145501903 Ninety cents of fun (and 2 hours of naptime) Mon, 18 Jul 2022 17:32:11 +0000 Just posting quickly, as I have a 2 hours of nap time to get through an entire day’s worth of work…

For any Frugal Girl readers, I was today’s Meet the Reader post. I talk about the “why” behind saving money (freedom + security) and the wisdom of keeping base expenses low if possible. I take issue with how frugality literature often doesn’t question the decision to be a one-income family and why women need to protect their earning capacity.

Anyway, please check out the interview! In the meantime, I took my 2-year-old to the Please Touch Museum this morning. We have a membership, and they open only to members on Mondays, so it wasn’t too crowded. We had a good time but he definitely wanted to stop at the cafe, which is always a flash point for (frugal) me. My default answer on buying food out is no. I don’t want to start the habit, we bring snacks, we also have food at home…

But he was really excited about it and pointed at a popsicle in the cafe which turned out to be 90 cents. Really! Is anything under a dollar anymore? He ate every little bite and loved it and was so happy about it.

So, I guess it’s good to spend 90 cents for fun. Now let’s hope he stays asleep until camp pick up…


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