Comments on: Best of Both Worlds Podcast: Graduation-inspired tips Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 29 Jun 2021 18:30:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Tue, 29 Jun 2021 18:30:20 +0000 I also studied abroad in Australia! I didn’t know anyone from my school so it was basically like traveling alone. I did make friends there that I traveled with, though.

I want to give my younger self advice but I know younger Lisa probably would not listen. Ha. I was a bit bull-headed about things when I was younger. I’m still pretty stubborn, but less so than I was in my younger years. I think I’d mostly tell myself that it’s all going to work out and to not stress about finding the right job, meeting the right person, and starting a family. I really worried I wouldn’t find the right career/role when I was in my 20s, but figured out where I belonged by age 30 which isn’t too bad! And then I got married at 37 which is far older than I thought I’d be when I got married but he was worth the wait!

I’ll be returning to the office in January and we are expected to be there 3 days/week. I’m hoping I can flex between 2-3 days/week but we’ll see what things are like when I return. It seems like there will be more opportunities to work remotely at other companies so I’d consider changing jobs if her employer isn’t as flexible as she would like. I am starting to see ‘remote’ for the location on job positions posted on linkedin/emailed to me. I like my job too much to jump ship so it’s not a deal-breaker to go into the office 3 days/week but if I had a nasty commute, I’d start networking!
