Comments on: We need a little Christmas, right this very minute (the 2020 Holiday Fun List) Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 04 Dec 2020 17:28:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maha Fri, 04 Dec 2020 17:28:21 +0000 Hello Laura,
We don’t celebrate Christmas, but I thought I would leave a reply anyways as what we are planning to do this month. I loved the matching PJ’s idea and I will do it when we celebrate our own holiday. I’m planning to bake super delicious brownies (natasha’s kitchen is a winner) we are also renting a chalet for mommies night out. And going away for a farm for a full day to enjoy the cold weather.

By: Allison Thu, 03 Dec 2020 16:14:01 +0000 Just wanted to put in a word for those who want to do something different over the holidays this year. My husband and I are enjoying the freedom to try other activities. We recently had one of our best Thanksgivings ever when we went camping. Instead of cooking, cleaning, and trying to socialize all day, we went on a long hike and finished off the day with turkey sandwiches and roasted marshmallows. I missed my family, but none of the other stuff. Not sure what we’ll do for Christmas, but it’s exciting to have other options.

I am interested in the matching pajamas, though. 🙂

By: Mary Patnaude Wed, 02 Dec 2020 14:26:11 +0000 Thanks for this reminder to enjoy the holidays! Also, my fifth baby was also born in the dead of winter (almost 13 years ago now). Although he didn’t know or care about his first birthday, which took place during a blizzard, the video of us singing to him with his beautifully designed cake (by Grammie) is a treasured memory. So enjoy!

By: Kristin W Mon, 23 Nov 2020 15:40:56 +0000 In reply to Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns.

Lisa, I wish you all the best for your upcoming birth! Hope it goes well. My boys are 4 and 6 (3 and 5 when this started!) and while my 6 year old has noticed some of the things he’s been missing, my 4 year old has LOVED the pandemic. He has loved being home with us, watching movies and tv together, endless puzzles and LEGOs and games, lots of baking and cooking and “special” snacks because we are just too exhausted to slice a vegetable. We are planning a very low-key holiday as well and I know he will love every minute of it. I know you will be exhausted from the new baby, but from your 2.5 year old’s perspective, staying home with his family might be the best holiday ever! Good Luck!

By: Jen Sun, 22 Nov 2020 11:59:22 +0000 I second the light display and baking cookies! My 5-year-old and I also thought about driving through a different local neighborhood every week to see the different light displays that people put up. Although this is not holiday-related, on December 13th or 14th I plan to watch the Geminids meteor shower with my daughter at a nearby field and bring some blankets and hot chocolate in travel mugs. It should (hopefully) be good this year since there will be a new moon.

By: Katie Sat, 21 Nov 2020 14:26:39 +0000 I don’t do church anymore, but every Christmas I play choral carols top volume in the house and sing along to all the soprano descants. It’s the thing I miss most!

By: Kathleen Sat, 21 Nov 2020 04:53:57 +0000 Oh how I love a full, joy-filled Christmas season packed to the gills with everything and everyone you love, but stripped of burdens or events that don’t serve you!

My Dad, a longtime priest who LOVED Christmas with the glee of a little child, died in September. This has been an extraordinarily difficult season, but I’ve told the kids we are going to celebrate Christmas all that much more this year to celebrate the life and love of their beloved papa.

That means we are going all-out with decorating, with baking, with Christmas movies (including his favorite movie of all time, It’s a Wonderful Life), with advent readings and candles, with the sounds of Christmas music and the scents of pine and cinnamon and cloves wafting through the house. We are doing a winter walk of lights through a botanical garden and a drive-through light show at state park. We are having hot chocolate in front of the Christmas tree and enjoying Papa’s favorite stocking stuffer (chocolate covered cherries), and we are making a family donation to his favorite charity. We are celebrating love and life and the great, great gift that’s at the center of Christmas.

This year, I’ve also ordered 15 matching, custom-made masks in a red and green plaid for family around the country. The hope is that from NYC to DC to SF to Cincinatti, everyone can feel closer together when we wear our matching masks. They’re being delivered tomorrow, and I can wait to send them off to family for a fun surprise!

It’s a strange year, and my heart is often heavy, but we are trying to fill it with love and light and celebration for our kids. And I know that would make Dad happy!

By: Erin C Sat, 21 Nov 2020 00:37:50 +0000 I love the “what am I saving energy for?” attitude toward Christmas!! So great. When you count the number of Christmases with the kids, and then think about the number when they’re really into it- why not go Big, if you can!
I also totally identify with not blaming COVID for an activity ending. I recently contacted our Zoo bc they had a mini train year round. They said it’s out of service with no plans to return. Super sad, but out of service since Fall 2019; somehow it coming to its own end, non-COVID related, made me feel better!!
We grow our family to 4 kids on 12/8 if not sooner!!! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!!!!

By: Sarah K Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:49:38 +0000 I need to see a photo of the beak masks! I am still working on our holiday list but I think it will involve lots of movies! Also watching the city Xmas-tree lighting on TV instead of in person, driving around to look at lights (maybe with hot chocolate?) and listen to some new Christmas albums.

By: Kaethe Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:37:56 +0000 Love these ideas! One of my daughters and I both have December birthdays (21st and 22nd) and it’s fun to have sweet traditions celebrating them together. It’s a special bond for us. Our family also loves celebrating the 12th Day of Christmas. We have a special meal just our immediate family, the kids get one gift from us, and they exchange gifts with each other. We do “secret sibling” for that part and only start that shopping after the 25th.
