Comments on: When Happy Hour Isn’t an Option… Or Is It? Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 27 May 2010 01:51:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: KariO Thu, 27 May 2010 01:51:17 +0000 I absolutely agree that one does not need to be home every night. In fact, since our children were very young (they are now 9 and 14), I have structured my work so I work 2-3 long days per week (10-14 hours per day, usually).

I work in health care, so these opportunities are there for me. Also, my profession has been scalable, so that I can work more or less as needed for my sanity. My specialty doesn’t penalize those who flex their work schedules and hours as much as some might; this was not an accidental choice for me, since I began this line of work after I had children.

The evenings my husband has with our children get me out of the equation, force them to find their own equilibrium, and encourage an individual relationship between each of our children and my husband. Also, I almost entirely avoid the scenario I truly hate: Get home at 5:30, rush dinner, rush homework, rush to bed. Chores/more work/husband time later — maybe.

Whether the evening hours are spent networking or finishing up paperwork, I think more dual-earner couples could benefit from giving the other partner a pass for one “free” late night a week.

By: Gwyneth Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:02:22 +0000 You should definitely think long and hard about a long commute: a study cited by Sheena Iyengar in The Art of Choosing showed that not only is commuting by far the most unpleasant part of the average person’s day, adding just 20 minutes to your commute is 1/5 as harmful to your well-being as losing your job.
