Comments on: Yep, parents are spending more time with their kids Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 04 May 2010 17:44:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anel Mishra Tue, 04 May 2010 17:44:05 +0000 Laura:

Great post, as always. I left the corporate world and became a management professor for two reasons: to use my brain fully and so that I could be a great parent when we eventually had kids. You’ll have to ask my two teenagers whether I’m a great parent, but at least I’ve been able to put the quality and quantity time into the effort.

We eat breakfast (quietly) and dinner (very loudly) together most days. We watch most of the same t.v. and movies together (I draw the line at Dancing with the Stars; my son and I watch episodes of The Pacific while my daughter and wife watch the celebs trip the light fantastic).

Homework, chauffeuring them to golf tournaments and basketball games, you name it, we do a lot of it together. I say I basically work and raise my kids. Occasionally Karen and sneak in lunch dates or other couple time, but we know we’ll have a lot more of that all too soon when both kids are in college. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


By: help single mothers Wed, 28 Apr 2010 22:36:21 +0000 There is nobody in the world who chooses to live alone but it all about destiny which decides the life of an individual. Being a single mother of a child or children is very difficult in this competitive world.

By: Laura Vanderkam » Blog Archive » More posts Thu, 08 Apr 2010 17:46:38 +0000 […] Yep, Parents Are Spending More Time With Their Kids: some new research documents that college-educated men and women are spending lots more time with their children than they did a few decades ago. Yet we keep telling this story that people are so starved for time that children are suffering. I think we should be celebrating the good news that this is not the case (or if it is the case, it was never better in some mythical Ozzie and Harriet time). […]
