Comments on: Adventures in School Lunch Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 01 Jul 2010 10:40:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Thu, 01 Jul 2010 10:40:42 +0000 I think it is dangerous to trust outdated Federal guidelines for the school lunch, where most of the furnished food is provided from surplus generated by farm subsidies (thus they are buying what happens to be available versus what is considered necessary and healthy).

Perhaps after Michelle Obama’s overhaul of childhood nutrition and school lunches you can trust that your kids will be getting good food and building healthy habits for the _future_, but for now I think it is more “ketchup is a vegetable” style nutrition than farm stand produce.

I do agree that cheese on wonder bread with barbie snacks are equally bad, but I think you are presenting a false choice. If nothing else, packing up leftovers from the day before from a healthy balanced dinner would be probably as easy.

By: homeschool Thu, 03 Jun 2010 23:19:40 +0000 Education begins at home. One does not only acquire knowledge from a teacher; one can learn and receive knowledge from a parent, family member and even an acquaintance. In almost all societies, attending school and receiving an education is extremely vital and necessary if one wants to achieve success.

By: Christina Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:28:43 +0000 I let my younger two buy lunch 2x a week. The problem with school lunch is that they don’t always make the best/healthiest choices and it does take a lot of time to wait in line. I like home-packed lunches because I can choose things I know they like that are also healthy. Also, with buying in bulk I would argue that home lunches cost the same or less than the school ones. Costco sells fruit roll-ups that are 100% fruit – no barbie fruit snacks for my kids! And I try to avoid high fructose corn syrup and other additives — I check lables carefully.
My older two (middle and high schoolers) flat out refuse to buy lunches. They don’t like the lines and think most of the food is not appetizing. They both pack their own lunches, but again since I do the shopping, I know they’re packing healthy stuff.

By: Kirsten Tue, 30 Mar 2010 20:33:03 +0000 I like this way of caring for my child. She appreciates it more, because it saves *her* time; she relaxes at the table while half her class is standing in the lunch line for 7-15 minutes. And she appreciates me more after 3 hours at school than in the morning when we’ve been in the same house all night.

And her thermos only has to keep it cold for about 3 hours and 20 minutes. Lunch is at 11:30 for first graders like her.

By: Tweets that mention Adventures in School Lunch « -- Mon, 29 Mar 2010 14:49:39 +0000 […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Laura Vanderkam. Laura Vanderkam said: What saves time and money? School lunch: […]
