Comments on: On not running the Philadelphia marathon Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 08 Dec 2020 22:53:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Phil Tue, 08 Dec 2020 22:53:35 +0000 Laura, I hope you get to run the Philadelphia race again in the future. It is one of my favorites and I have traveled there from Birmingham several times to do it. It has been an unusual year for running races, but I have been able to do over 10 marathons or ultramarathons since January, with most coming after the arrival of the virus. These were smaller races and they all had some precautions to reduce or eliminate contact between participants and volunteers. I was just glad to be able to continue running and seeing people, even if “distanced:. I just have to be able to walk away if things don’t appear safe.

By: Byrd Tue, 24 Nov 2020 11:19:17 +0000 In reply to coco.

Yes!!! I feel this way too. Not everything about post-covid is great but the slow family life is really wonderful.

I too had a race goal this year that i dropped. (Half) but probably not going to make a goal next year, just run and enjoy it. Have other areas i need to work on / change.

By: coco Mon, 23 Nov 2020 20:40:42 +0000 i can totally relate about running is the only fitness goal I keep/need because of how much i simply love it. my berlin marathon was cancelled too. bummer. first I thought running it alone on my birthday to say I’ve done it this year, but without the crown, i didn’t see the point so I canceled my “backup” plan.
still haven’t made any big plans for 2021 because actually I like our life post-covid, simple, slow, family time above all.

By: Kaethe Mon, 23 Nov 2020 20:22:41 +0000 I could talk fitness-related goals all day! I used to have a pretty regimented schedule of running three days and two specific strength classes at the Y each week. Well, life often happened and I found myself frustrated at coming up with different ways to exercise. One year I listed “try three new fitness classes” as a resolution. I didn’t really enjoy the first class I tried (but it was still a 30 minute workout!) but absolutely loved the second one and ended up changing my routine since it was a more efficient workout. (And also reinforced the lesson that trying new things can be rewarding). I also did a two-month running streak this summer during a very busy season. I couldn’t make most exercise happen then but I could use that time to try out what it was like to run a minimum of one mile every day.
Also–I’d love it if BOBW could someday host a virtual running event!

By: Kate Mon, 23 Nov 2020 19:59:12 +0000 I am treating 2021 goals as a kick in the pants to go through some 100 Dreams list – and make doing some of those my goals. That will help me feel from a feeling of stagnation – which I acutely felt this year.

By: Caitlin Mon, 23 Nov 2020 19:39:15 +0000 I feel like my goals (choosing which ones to set, and changing as needed) are one of the few things I can control. I appreciate your perspective!

I also think that we have a small advantage going into 2021, versus 2020–while we certainly can’t know what the year will hold, we’re (mostly) adjusted to life in Covid times and can set our goals accordingly—with the hope that they’ll be able to expand as the year moves on.

By: Marthe Mon, 23 Nov 2020 19:16:32 +0000 I reckon the whole point of setting goals is that they will change once you reach them. On or before schedule.

If not, you change the time aspect of them. Or the whole goal, if you get into it and discover along the way that it’s not your cup of tea.

I like fluid goals (and reaching them).

By: Anke Mon, 23 Nov 2020 18:40:20 +0000 Dear Laura,
I love the way how you look at things… !!! The ‘fairly charmed life’ made me smile! If you ever go to Leipzig, let’s meet, I just live an hour away! I leave the more demanding kids at home (I guess all four ;)). Have a nice week, love, Anke (from Riesa)

By: Ali Mon, 23 Nov 2020 17:53:33 +0000 I totally understand your shift with the marathon. I was originally planning to run a marathon in October and 3 weeks into training it got cancelled. There was another small marathon that got scheduled locally in the fall as well, but I had already stopped my longer training plan and the lack of participants/spectators does change the feel. Now I’m crossing my fingers that next fall we get more “normal” marathons back on the calendar so I can attempt to qualify for Boston!
I also appreciate your perspective on your goals for the year and how they look different in this COVID environment!

By: GNC Mon, 23 Nov 2020 17:39:45 +0000 I can relate to your commitment to goal-setting no matter what is swirling around you. Our nuclear family had already experienced a lot of change in the 18 months leading up to COVID.; other people’s lives looked very charmed compared to what we were dealing with. At first, COVID felt like more gas on the fire, but we can now look back and see many things accomplished, relationships deepened, and plenty of personal growth. On a light-hearted note, 2020 reunited me with my childhood love of tennis. Our no-frills club was one of the few things open throughout, and with some limitations I’ve been able to take lessons and play doubles regularly while keeping up CrossFit at the local box that has gone to great lengths to keep outdoor spots open and modify the WODs. Our “normal” routine would have kept me making excuses to play tennis for years, and I could have used COVID as an excuse to watch my fitness decline. Instead, maintaining my fitness is keeping resentment at bay and helping me cope and contribute positively to my work and home environments.
