Comments on: Podcast: Mailbag, part deux Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 14 Apr 2020 16:42:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nolo Wed, 23 Jan 2019 02:43:33 +0000 Another way to manage gifts for all the kids birthday parties – I don’t have a gift closet but I do have a kids birthday gift wish list on Amazon. I tend to give the same gifts over and over again (to different people, of course) so I just keep a wish list of what I like to give. Easy to order from when I need to and I don’t have to worry about too much inventory in my house.

By: Melanie Tue, 22 Jan 2019 18:33:24 +0000 Two thoughts.

First, when my son was young he participated in research projects at Vanderbilt University — where I work. He thus earned his own money and I did not have to be concerned with how he spent it. He saved some and spent some. And learned to be judicious with his spending – experiencing first hand when he spent his own money on something and later regretted it. Great lessons to learn young. You can call a university near you and find out about studies — medical centers tend to have a central sign up. Or call the psychology department directly.

Second, never underestimate the power of just sitting with your child. My son is now 14 (and 6 feet tall) and last night I was watching my beloved Kansas Jayhawks. Daniel was happy to just sit there with me. He fell asleep and later I woke him up to go to sleep in his bed. Time is often important, and not so much what you do with that time.
