Comments on: 7 ways to spend less time doing housework (even if you don’t have a tiny house) Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 25 May 2021 17:28:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Kazlas Tue, 25 May 2021 17:28:10 +0000 I bought a roomba automatic vacuum, and an electric mopping machine. We built a home with hard floors, no carpet, to make cleaning easier long term. We reuse our personal insulated tumbler all day and are responsible for keeping it clean. I bought coffee stirrers. It’s worth $1.75 not to have to wash 200 spoons. Then, I bought compostable paper plates. It’s worth $1.75 not to have to wash 100 plates.
Then, I bought an instant pot and am learning how to use it for a bulk of our meals. Then, we use an outdoor grill that doesn’t mess up pans. And, I put a cast iron griddle on the stove, that we just heat up and wipe off with vinegar and paper towels.

I look at each article of clothing/linens to see if it can be used again. If unsure, I fold slightly used clothing on my dresser to wear outside for yard work or cleaning the house. My husband does his own laundry.

We made sure the landscaping can be mowed, with no weed eating. And I planted low or no maintenance shrubs and trees, and perennials that don’t have to be replanted every year.

By: Carrie Willard Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:57:29 +0000 There are 10 of us living here in a smallish 5 bedroom, and I really don’t spend much time cleaning despite the fact that we’re here all day homeschooling and working from home. Here’s how:

– Standards got lowered after the 3rd kid. The 3rd kid is “critical mass”. Clean undies, healthy dinner, and happy kids? Good enough.

– Twice monthly housekeeper at $83 a pop. Worth every penny. We all clean like mad before she arrives and things stay nice for two days due to the “broken window” effect.

– Minimal-ish-ism. I do regular decluttering sessions, which I find fun, to get rid of fast food toys/book and Grandparent’s overgenerous buying habits.

– Invite friends over. The kids clean like mad before their friends arrive!

By: Sophie Tue, 02 Oct 2018 21:29:39 +0000 I would like to point out that a combination of lowered standards and a bi-weekly cleaning service has actually saved me tons of time.
The bi-weekly cleaning is to a level I would not be able to reach even if I had a full kid-free day to clean (wouldn’t happen in a million years). I basically do very little deep cleaning, which saves me tons of weekend time. But for the weekday point, I used to be very very diligent about the kitchen clean up after every meal prep. Now that I know the kitchen will be deep cleaned in less than 2 weeks time, I do a very basic wipe down and leave it at that. Same thing for bathrooms, I will clean them just enough to be hygienic, but if the mirror is a bit splashed? Someone else is coming to take care of it soon enough.

By: Jess Tue, 02 Oct 2018 03:02:20 +0000 In reply to Sara.

I have 4 of those magazine holders on my table, one for each kid and one for filing. When mail, drawings an school papers come in, the get sorted in the holders. Bills get put in a to be paid spot.

We always had problems remembering to eat leftovers, so now we have a white board next to the fridge with what leftovers are available for lunch and what needs to be eaten soon. It has helped!

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 28 Sep 2018 21:09:02 +0000 In reply to M.

@M – I am a fan of the basket system. If something must sit on an otherwise clear horizontal surface, a basket contains it quite nicely.

By: M Fri, 28 Sep 2018 20:27:19 +0000 I really like a couple of ideas here. I have a pretty low threshold for my home, but I do PREFER cleanliness and orderliness. Unfortunately, I don’t/won’t spend that much time on the house (and my husband will not agree to hiring a service) so the house is not as clean/organized as I would like. I like the idea of the “sanctuary”. I’m kind of a cluttered/batch cleaning person to begin with, so this will take discipline because my spaces move from perfectly clean/organized to slowly more chaotic until I spend the time to batch clean/reorganize again. Although I may WANT a constantly decluttered space, I am not personally a constant declutterer. Still, the idea of personal clean space is comforting in principle, if not in practice, and my help with being OKAY with the rest. The other idea I like is take 10 (or 5!). I’ve done some version of this myself (to counter my intrinsic batch cleaning nature) and will set a timer for 10 minutes and it REALLY helps. The problem is that I will get into the habit for like a week, and then I will drop it for a month, then again and again. It would be cool to implement this on a family scale. I will talk to my husband. If he is on board, this may be the push I need to make it a permanent routine. And I feel like this would be something he would dig because he is all about efficiency.

By: M Fri, 28 Sep 2018 20:19:16 +0000 In reply to Sara.

There are a few key systems that have helped the clutter. For mail AND all the random paper that comes with family/kids, I purchased a three-tier file stacker and set it in the corner and any mail/paper that is NOT MINE and that I don’t immediately care about (i.e., most of it) goes in the trash if it’s clearly not important or in the stacker if I might want to get to it at a later date, or most likely if it’s somebody else’s stuff that I don’t want to have sitting around on the kitchen table and they can go fish it out if they need it. If it’s my mail, I move it to another stacker I have on my office desk and work through it in batches eventually (or immediately if it’s actually important). The other thing I did, which doesn’t answer this question but is related, is to buy a charging station and put it on a table in the living room (i.e., not the kitchen because our kitchen is small and does not have space for clutter). Now if there is a device in the kitchen, I can just move it to the “device charging table” because that’s where these things go. And I added a basket for random charging cords, adapters, etc. These things mostly solved the paper and device clutter problems. The only problem left is that my husband insists on leaving his keys, wallet, earbuds, etc (and the etc begins to expand to hats, gloves, watch…) on the kitchen counter, which is just not a good place. I can’t win this battle, so I put a basket there and continue to put this stuff in the basket so that hopefully he can limit this pile to that space and keep the rest of the area clear.

By: Meghan Fri, 28 Sep 2018 18:48:58 +0000 In reply to Hayley.

We do a variation of DEAT called “take 5” — everyone runs around and puts away 5 things. Sometimes we set a timer to see how many take 5s we can do in 10 minutes, or do a take 10, but really just the simple 5 is huge.

By: Kristin Thu, 27 Sep 2018 15:58:14 +0000 In reply to Sara.

I haven’t figured out the paper thing myself (and have had to let go of my frustration that my husband can not throw the junk mail away and leaves it for me to deal with) but labeling my shelves in my fridge has really helped! Other people in my house don’t always follow, but at least the things I put in there are usually taken care of! I like being able to look at the “leftover” shelf to see what we’ve got! I’m not great at freezing (I have a pack of chicken right now that needs separating and freezing) but when it does happy, my future self always thanks my past self!

By: Ellie Thu, 27 Sep 2018 15:46:53 +0000 In reply to Katherine.

Also my strategy, though it was not easy to apply at first as I am pretty obsessive about cleanliness and order (outer order, inner calm – absolutely!). But I learned to « ignore » the dust and stains and mess and keep reminding myself that it is more beneficial to me and my family to have me in a good mood after doing something fun than having me cranky because I spent my little amount of free time cleaning up.

I am very good at the outsourcing part, and really value every cent spent on the cleaning service! And I can’t wait to involve the kids (10-months old and 3-years old for now, so not much help there… though the 3-years old knows he has to gather his toys before going to bed, otherwise they risk « disappearing » overnight! 🙂

(Huge fan of your blog, books and podcast Laura! Thanks for all your good advice!)
